
  1. nileshsrox

    WTB Looking for an E-cycle in Pune

    Hi everyone, I just shifted to Pune for a job, turns out bike taxis aren't allowed here in Maharastra, and auto takes too much money just for small travels too. I was looking to get a scooter but that would be a hassle to get the rc transferred then considering petrol prices too, I dropped the...
  2. R

    FS: Others [Giveaway] Firefox Mountana 21D

    Hi All, So this is Firefox Mountana 21D I am putting it up for Giveaway. This is of my friend's and he has left Bangalore. Kids have stolen the seat and seat pipe. Will require Service and additional parts. Please...
  3. Slayer88

    FS: Others Foreign Bicycle Accessories

    All items except the helmet and pouch are from the UK. The pouch is no made in India, though. The bicycle monitor is missing the magnetic tire part. This can be bought from Decathlon and is a universal fit. The brand is Bell, very well reputed. The cycling shorts have never been used, bought...