
  1. vaibhavyagnik

    FS: Others Fans, PWM Fan Hub

    Product Name: Intel i7 860, DFI P55 t3eh9 Combo Expected Price: Rs 4000 3800 SOLD Shipping charges: at actuals or buyer can arrange Manufacturer page URL: Description if any: No defects on the motherboard. With stock settings, i7 860 turbos upto 3.15 Ghz. I have overclocked the processor upto...
  2. SunnyBoi

    FS: Power Cooling and Modding Corsair CX430

    I dont remember when I bought it, must be around 2014 or 2015. Did duties in my parent's PC which was BARELY used. Unused between 2016 to 2018 afterwards I resurrected their PC. Even then its powered on once a month just so that dad can pay his CC and phone bills, which again stopped because...