google maps

  1. Atomic Atom

    Android auto/ Google maps new UI

    Hi Did anyone notice the new UI of Google maps. I feels it's little lame. Traffic indicator as in the red color seems off. The blue colour is too blue. Let me know if anyone noticed this??
  2. Crapmypants

    Any way around the 5 review limit by google places api

    Hey guys, i need to pull all the google map reviews of one specific establishment but the google places api has a 5 review limit. I know basic python and was hoping to code my own scraper but i can't find much help outside of paid 3rd party tools. (i'm trying to create a table of reviews for...
  3. Futureized

    Ola cars tracking system - Amazing - How do they do it ?

    I recently ordered a car from OLA for my relatives coming very early morning.. It was amazing i could track, the driver details from pickup location to delivery upto my location.. I as well got a SMS on other phone, while sharing the ride details. How do they do it via GOOGLE MAPs ...