gskill trident z 8gb 3000mhz

  1. napstersquest

    WTB WTB 2x8GB Trident Z RGB 3000C16 Manufactured around July 2019

    You can check the sticker on it for manufactured date. Want to pair with existing 2x8GB kit hence the specific requirement.
  2. kartikoli

    FS: RAM Corsair RM1000X + Gskill TridentZ 8gb (3000Mhz) + Redgear Semi-Mechanical Keyboard

    Corsair RM1000X - Purchased on 23-9-2017 - RMA'd and got new box, Invoice available - 13.5k shipped OR 13k+ Shipping at actual (Fixed Price) Gskill Trident Z 8GB 3000Mhz - Purchased on 30-6-2017, Invoice available - 3.6k shipped (Fixed Price) - SOLD to other member in a combo deal Redgear Blaze...
  3. kartikoli

    FS: RAM Corsair Vengeance 32gb Kit + Gskill Ripjaws 2x8gb + WD 4TB Purple HD

    Corsair Vengeance 32gb 3000Mhz (2x16gb) dual channel Kit - Purchased from another member - No invoice available but since Corsair comes with lifetime warranty I didn't bother much about invoice - 9.2k shipped (Sold to @TheCoolerPlayer) Gskill Ripjaws 2x8gb 3000Mhz - Purchased on 28-8-2019...
  4. kartikoli

    FS: Processor Ryzen 5 1600, ASUS Prime X370-Pro and Gskill Trident Z 8GB 3000Mhz

    Ryzen 5 1600 - Purchased in 2017 and got it RMA'd on 13 March-2018 (got new) so this processor is used from March 2018 onward - SOLD ASUS Prime X370-Pro - Purchased in 2017 along with processor - SOLD Gskill Trident Z 8GB 3000Mhz - Purchased on 30-6-2017 - 3.6k shipped Condition - Working...