
  1. R

    The Contradictory Findings of Scientific Studies on Intermittent Fasting: Fresh new one claims that "It kills you"

    Segment 1: It's good i) This study from 2019 clearly suggests, "Intermittent Fasting can the reduced risk of developing cardiovascular diseases." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6471315/ ii) Another study from 2020 suggests, "Intermittent fasting has been associated with...
  2. seshu

    Health & Fitness O +ve blood Request [Emergency] @ Hyderabad [18 Dec 2017]

    requesting for O +ve blood donation for heart surgery of my sister Today 18 th Dec 2017 [Monday] minimum requirement : 6 Units (from 6 persons) Surgeon asked to arrange for fresh blood [said to be strict ..] location : Care Hospital - Nampally (opp: Exhibition Grounds) please contact...