
  1. N

    Hello everyone!

    Hi! I'm a 25 y/o tech enthusiast from Bengaluru. I like all tech ranging from consumer electronics, cars, gaming tech, robotics etc. I joined Tech Enclave to get some tips about selling my PC and for general tips and tricks on any problems that I may face. I like reading in my spare time...
  2. zestyregnum

    Namaste everyone

    Hello everyone! I'm excited to join this community. As a CS student in India, I've been searching for a place where I can connect with fellow tech enthusiasts who share similar experiences and perspectives. While international tech forums have been helpful, I often felt something was missing -...
  3. GeeBee007

    FS: Others TimesPrime 3 month code

    Got it with CC offers. I dont use anything in those. All included offers are in below pic. Price is for all those offers combined. So you get quite a lot of offers. Totally worth if someone utilizes it.
  4. L

    WTB Need a gpu to boot my system

    Need a GPU that can help me play 1080p smooth settings, not an issue. Low watt GPU too. I am new to tech enclave. I can't access the FS page, how do I do it?
  5. blackhorn

    Hello from Delhi

    Hi all, A few of you guys may know me from the same handle from other forums, such as hifivision, gearheads, erodov and the like. TE is an awesome place to keep up to date about PC related stuff. Although I am sorely lacking in that respect since I seem to be living in 2015 and found no need to...
  6. Colin Mark

    Hello World

    Hi everyone I am Mark, I am Russian born, but my nationality is Armenian. I am 29 and I am a big geek of video games and general IT although I have been majoring in the Law discipline. I am specifically and apple fan so sorry androind lovers.