
  1. Ramadhir Singh

    [resource] DNS based ads and tracking blockers | self-hosted | Public DNS | Open Source alternatives

    Reclaim your Privacy | Adblock is must ! because For entire home protection - there are multiple ways to block tracking and ads, which is not limited to deploying self-hosted solutions such as Pi-hole or AdGuardHome, many router firmware now has some way to block ads , for example OpenWrt's...
  2. Ramadhir Singh

    Pi-hole issues | migrate to AdGuard Home ?

    edit/update - 16/02/24 - this issue is with the ISP and has nothing much to do with adblocker. VM333:3 setNavigator - uri: https://media.themoviedb.org/t/p/w440_and_h660_face/aTpMwcMzgwUfs5mY8WJEhBn7Q7y.jpg aTpMwcMzgwUfs5mY8WJEhBn7Q7y.jpg:1 Mixed Content: The page at...