
  1. Ramadhir Singh

    Win11, issue with getting DNS from DHCP

    In a windows11 based laptop, it always taking - regardless what DNS my router is broadcasting, ignoring the DHCP. Router has a static IP assigned to the mac address of this device. Same goes for all my devices - all gets fixed IP details from address reservation. Rest of the devices are...
  2. adnanhussainturki

    PiHole not working for YouTube Ads

    I know, that YouTube uses the same domain for video and ad serving, therefore DNS-based ad-blocking would not work to block Video Ads. Is there a workaround, you guys are using?
  3. Ramadhir Singh

    Pi-hole issues | migrate to AdGuard Home ?

    edit/update - 16/02/24 - this issue is with the ISP and has nothing much to do with adblocker. VM333:3 setNavigator - uri: https://media.themoviedb.org/t/p/w440_and_h660_face/aTpMwcMzgwUfs5mY8WJEhBn7Q7y.jpg aTpMwcMzgwUfs5mY8WJEhBn7Q7y.jpg:1 Mixed Content: The page at...
  4. y2s

    FS: Others Orange Pi, Sannce 360 Camera

    Great Raspberry Pi alternatives. I use Orange Pi's for several projects where I don't need a raspberry pi. For eg. These can be used for octoprint or Pihole etc - Orange Pi Win Plus ₹2,500 (Sealed Pack - Brand New in Box) This is capable of running Android TV too Sold to @tech.monk Orange...
  5. K

    PiHole should be a must

    Didnt see PiHole being discussed so .... After using PiHole on a Pi from last one week i feel it should be a mandatory equipment in everyone's home network if it has more than 3/4 devices including mobiles , TAB or PC. The amount of queries it has been blocking in my network is insanely at...
  6. V

    Esxi and pfsense

    Hi, i am planning to change my current router from Tp link mr3420 to either pfsense or SophosXG, instead of running the software directly i am planning to virtualize it on Esxi so i can run other applications also. For eg i may run PiHole as an additional instance, or use Pfsense as the firewall...