stereo speakers

  1. nitin_g3

    FS: Home Audio Video Edifier R1855DB 4 months old

    Looking to sell my Edifier R1855DB which I've been using with TV for gaming, movies and music. Sounds really nice with great clarity over optical cable. Never distorts. Packs a good punch in bass too for just a 4" driver. Multiple connectivity options: Bluetooth, line in x2, optical, aux. New...
  2. everythingeek

    FS: Home Audio Video Multiple Items (GPU, DAC, Speakers etc)

    Schiit Modi 2 Uber DAC = 10000/- (US bought unit in 2017, Paypal invoice is in my name) Schiit Sys Preamp = 4500/- (2017 Purchase from Headphonezone) MSI Gaming X 1080TI = 34000/- (2017 Purchase no bill, Box Available) Powered Speakers JBL LSR305 = 18500/- (Mint Condition 2017 purchase from...
  3. ravin

    FS: Home Audio Video Dali Spektor 2 Bookshelf speakers + FX Audio M160E Integrated Amplifier Combo (Cables Worth 4k free)

    I am looking to sell Dali Spektor 2 bookshelf speakers and FX Audio M160E Integrated Amplifier (65wpc @8ohm) for Rs.33000 only + shipping charges at actuals. I am even throwing in DAC 16AWG speaker cable with banana plugs worth 4k for free. (This little amplifier is very powerful for its size...
  4. T

    Review The Midrange and detail king - Diamond Mishra, Indiqaudio - Review

    I used to be an earphone audiophile decades ago.! Who remembers the TF10vi earphones? I got it from here.. Now a HT user which is a good movie system, but you have to agree HT cannot replace a stereo (Whatever, stereo, direct, pure modes you throw at it). So, started the hunt for a pure stereo...
  5. nikrusty

    Good Stereo Speakers

    Hey guys, I want to get good stereo speakers, this is what I was thinking, your suggestions are welcome. I, of course, would like to hear them after suggestions, so any help there would be lovely. I'm Mumbai based Speakers/Sound I want * Clear, well-balanced, warm sound, clinically accurate...
  6. R

    FS: Home Audio Video Audioengine A5 Powered Speakers

    Product: Audioengine A5 Powered Speakers Condition: 100% working Repair history: The speakers had developed crackle/pop sound issue and was repaired at Joseph Audio Video, Mumbai. It is working very well since then. I did lots of searching to find the right people to do the repairs since i care...