
  1. enc0dex264

    51-70k Requesting advice from custom watercooling guru's here!

    Looking to custom water cool my newe NV7, i have alot of questions i somewhat know the answer to and some i have no idea about. 1) Only 1 distro plate is available for the NV7 that i will have to import from the US. 2) GPU block for my 4090 i'll also have to import. 3) Evertyhing else except...
  2. m0h1t

    FS: Power Cooling and Modding Corsair H100x AIO 240mm liquid cooler

    Corsair H100x AIO 240mm liquid cooler - Rs.4500 (Shipping at actuals) Bought from SMC Nehru place sometime in early 2020, invoice lost Desktop was being used by mom to check emails and facebook once a week, decided to pass it on to the nephew with the stock wraith heatsink, hence this is extra...