Monitors 15 inch widescreen LCD monitor?

With the falling LCD prices and seeing the that any internal GPUs can handle at least 1024x768, there is not much sense to go for a 15 inch LCD monitor, unless you are seriously cramped for space.

17 inch space is a good place to start looking for the following reasons:
1. More brand options.
2. Marginal difference between the price of a 17" LCD and a 15" LCD.
3. More real estate (aka screen space).
4. I do not think any 15" were made widescreen. Widescreen starts with 17" AFAIK.
Isn't a 17 or 19 inch monitor too big for web surfing. At high resolution displays, most of the sites look very tiny since they are designed for lower resolutions. There are only few sites which stretch to fit the screen.
The native resolution (resolution best displayed without dithering) of a 15" and 17" LCD monitor is usually 11024x768 and 1280x1024.These are pretty comfortable resolutions to read at and probably the same as the onse you are using now.

At extreme resolutions however, like above 1600x1200 on 17" screen, it is very hard to read without increasing the font size or straining your eyes after a while.