Monitors 17" CRT Monitor

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Hi Gang,
I'm looking to buy a 17" flat CRT monitor. Budget is around 6k max. My first choice was LG e700SH. Is it a good choice or is there anything better within this price .

I have using samsung monitors for quite a while and they are quite good . I have a Samsung 798MB plus which will fit ur budget and is good monitor
The review says" The maximum resolution supported is 1280 x 1024 at 60 Hz refresh rate but the maximum usable resolution is 1152 x 864 at 75 Hz."

Does that mean, games cannot be played higher than that resolution?
I am planning to buy a 7600GS next month, and move to DX10 later next year. Would be a waste if the monitor wont be good enough.
It says so cause playing at a refrest rate of 60Hz will strain your eyes, the higher the refresh rate the better :)
Well when it comes to monitors i always prefer SAMSUNG have been using it frm long but not issues till date,rite now i hav 793MB.No doubt Viewsonic is gud but as far as i kno its gud for LCD dunno bout the crt' u can go for samsung which is pretty gud.
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