PC Peripherals 19 inch WS or 19 inch normal

De alchemist

What is a better choice in 19 inch LCD. Is widescreen good enugh for 19 inch, cuz at the end of day they are both 19 inch diagonally. Since custom games resolution are not for widescreen , how do they look in WS lcds as compared to nonWS ones. Also for movies WS are in 16:10 ratio as compared to original 16:9 which wud again put some difference in display. Other than that , can we have 2 pages of pdf side by side in WS ones and still be readable enuf.

The choice is in between vx922 and vg1930wm,va1912.Anyone else please put other nonWS models with prices.....tnx!!
Id vote for a 19" Normal 4:3 Ratio Screen.

It has more pixels anyways. 1440x990 (Not exactly sure), 1280x1024. :p.

A 4:3 seems much bigger than a WS @ 19"...
The WS has about a 100,000 odd pixels more than the 4:3 ratio screen.Dunno what diff it would make but Id still opt for the WS.The WS compromises on height, but makes up in width, thats why it has pretty much the same vertical screen dimension of a 17" crt.
Another vote for WS, its just so much easier to work with.

Aditya said:
Id vote for a 19" Normal 4:3 Ratio Screen.

It has more pixels anyways.

The correct res. for 19" is 1440*900.

1440 X 900 = 1296000

1280 X 1024 = 1310720

Thats negligible diff.
^ I think what he meant wasnt the pixel count, but rather the surface area! In which case he is right that the non-WS is larger ;)

Picked this info up from a Newegg comment (not sure if its spot on, but anyway :p ):

Widescreen viewing area: 16.1 x 10.0 (161 sq. inches)

Non widescreen viewing area: 14.8 x 11.9 (176.12 sq. inches)