2 weeks to WoW Cataclysm


Anybody excited? Been playing this game since 08 and im pretty excited about the total change in the vanilla content. Im wondering if this is going to bring back old players who have quit?

Anybody on european servers? lookin for a pvp mate =)
goddamn! just logged on last night after like 2 weeks, and the landscape's already been shattered! oh, and it looks SWEET! I'm loving the new Orgrimmar & Barrens. didnt have enough time to explore the other areas but im dying to see what's been changed in the western/eastern plaguelands since those were my favorite areas in vanilla =D

Anybody else explored the new landscape?
oh cool. i got 2 as well on Lightnings Blade (EU). 80 DK and Paladin. However, ive gotten painfully bored of their mechanics and limitations. Levelling up a druid now. Stupidly i've gotten him to 57 and now cataclysms launching so i'm basically gonna miss the new content completely (except for 80+ stuff anyways) X_X
Anyone facing issues patching WoW over Airtel? It is patching for me but gives error 'The tracker is not responding.' and 'Your computer appears to be behind a firewall.' I have checked and Port 3724 is open and I also tried disabling the Kaspersky but still same. Not a big issue but just wanted to know if this is a common issue here or just with my connection.
Roxtin said:
Anyone facing issues patching WoW over Airtel? It is patching for me but gives error 'The tracker is not responding.' and 'Your computer appears to be behind a firewall.' I have checked and Port 3724 is open and I also tried disabling the Kaspersky but still same. Not a big issue but just wanted to know if this is a common issue here or just with my connection.
I think it has something to do with your connection, since I have already pre-purchased and downloaded all the cata content. Maybe you got run a repair or change IP.
Hey sorry to bump this up but this was one of the few WoW cata threads i could find.

I recently switched from Whisperwind US to The Maelstrom EU (from scratch), just wanted to know if theres anyone active on EU realms or The Maelstrom EU. Ive got one of my friends playing on The Maelstrom with me as well and we are actually looking for people to group up with for raids.

We both started off only recently and we are right now a lvl77 mage and lvl75 rogue (horde side). We should hit 85 by the end of next week. We chose The Maelstrom coz pvp is ridiculously fun here and a bit balanced, its not one sided like a lot of other servers.

And cata is freaking awesome!! My only gripe is that outland and northrend remain untouched and it is a bit boring to level there. Cant wait to get out of northrend.
I'm on Khadgar EU horde side. Don't come here. It sucks. Fail players who fail at even HC 5 mans.

But yes, Cataclysm is great although I would have liked it to be a littler harder. I miss Vanilla and TBC difficulty levels.