2012:Apple's quad-core iPhone 5 beats Android(Interesting read, albiet biased)


The trouble with Android...

Next year, Apple will be able to make even better use of its UI advantage through introduction of faster iPhone models.

These devices won't just be software bolted onto a quad-core chip; they will be devices in which the software and the quad-core chip have been designed to perfectly complement each other.

Until Google undermines all of its Android partners when it moves to introduce devices made in-house through its soon-to-be-acquired Motorola Mobility arm, Android devices can never match this advantage. (I know Google says it won't do this, but what it says and what it does don't always match, and that's the kind of nonsense which is attracting regulatory interest worldwide).

Most Android devices must match an off-the-shelf OS (Android) with off-the-shelf components to deliver the best experience they can, at budgets necessarily constrained by the intense competition that exists between vendors within that space.

This means that side-by-side comparisons between Apple and Android devices are inexorably unable to score points to the Google OS when it comes to the UI. And since the essence of the smartphone experience is the user interface, this is why Apple's iPhone 5 will be so dangerous, delivering a bang for the buck others will find exceedingly hard to match.

SOURCE: 2012: Apple's quad-core iPhone 5 beats Android - Computerworld Blogs
This is what anybody can say about the Iphone in 2012..
1. bigger screen.. (4 Inches)
2. Unibody Aluminum
3. A6 quad core processor.
4. NFC
5. thin and tapered design.
6. etc.. etc.. etc...

BUT WILL IT HAPPEN, Nobody else BUT apple knows until WWDC (Even that is not sure now as that schedule is skipped too)

In short Nothing can be said until Tim Comes to stage and announces it.. (Or if someone leaves one at the bar)
Most of the Apple employs who are not part of the iPhone team don't even know when the next iPhone would be coming forget about design or specs. This article is nothing more then an observation which anyone could make who has followed Apple's iPhone from its first gen.
This is a nice. resurgence in te of apple bashing/worship. Can we have a single apple thread where we all can bash or support fruits we like. Then all the rumours and news can be posted in that single thread. .
ambar_hitman said:
Reassurance blog post people, move on.

Also, someone tell that iTurd that Iphone 4S already beat Android in benches.

Wooden bench ?? ahh yes possible ... when it falls on a wooden bench its screen would crack like the video that we saw few months ago