2gb/4gb/8gb hdd (ide)

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Guys I am building a computer for our domestic help's young child who unfortunately cannot afford a current gen PC. I found a 256MB SD RAM stick along with a Cyrix processor and mobo. I got a small basic cabinet made for free, thanks to the generosity of the carpenter. PSU was donated by the office in the basement. All I need is a small HDD to install Win98 or XP (and hopefully get him to use a light weght distro like Puppy as well). Anything more than 6-8GB would be overkill for the young boy since it will be used only for the purpose of learning how to use it and not gaming/HD videos/porn etc.

Cannot afford to put too much into this and don't want to deal with out of city shipping. Anyone from Delhi with a spare old HDD lying around would be nice. Donations would be even better. :)

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