404 error when visiting certain alibaba seller's product list


I want to browse products of a certain supplier on alibaba. One of the links is...

This works fine. In this page, at bottom, there is link for "More Products" and "Supplier Profile". The more products link redirects to..



But this link doesn't work and I end up in Alibaba's own 404 page. I am puzzled as why this is happening. Someone suggested nextdns which I installed on my iPad but still the issue persists.

Can anyone help me here as to how I can resolve this and see the products of this supplier. I can see products of other suppliers but for few supplier I keep getting this error.
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A 404 error usually indicates that a web resource is ether unavailable or could not be found. In this case, the resource here is the seller's profile page and any other linked pages such as inventory listings, etc. This error could be due to multitude of reasons such as the url of the seller's profile page has changed but the link in the product page is still pointing to the old url or it could be an issue in the database and so on. In any case, I don't think a 404 error can be circumvented by using different dns providers, vpns, etc. Your options right now are either to report the broken links to the alibaba support or wait hoping that the devs are already working on fixing the links.