Graphic Cards 6600GT with a Athlon 2800+


Hey guys,

How do you think this card would run on my system??
Card Specs:

6600 GT
Brand: XFX
Slot Type: AGP
Clock Speed: 500 MHz
Memory Speed: 1Ghz
Package includes the card, TV-out cable and bundled games.
This is for sale by neville & I am planning to buy it.

My config:
AMD Athlon 2800+
ASUS mobo K8V-MX with VIA chipset(VRAM: 64MB inbuilt I think)
Ram : 512MB

I am a noob at gaming. Can any gaming expert kindly enlighten??

It will be decent enough for playing older pre 2005 and maybe some 2005 games. The card may be CPU limited though so you won't get the best performance from this card.

Main thing is, you need to have a decent PSU for a 6600GT. A generic 300W PSU may or may not suffice.

VRAM won't make a any difference with your current config.
This card and this cpu came around the same time, and are kind of made for each other if you will.

Like sydras said, useful for pre 2005 and some 2005 games. Also some/most 2006 games at low resolutions.

So if thats what you are aiming for go for it :hap2:
Hey guys

Is this config sufficient for running vista perfectly on my machine???

Need info fast guys........ Got to buy it soon


512MB RAM may cause some problems for running vista, it would run but access the swap file too frequently. Unless you want to add another 512mb, Windows XP would be better.

And for that price you can get a 7300GT which should be a better price.
Try to OVERCLOCK the Processor but run the GPU at default-speed.

V\/V Deepak, agree with him. VIA is too much limited with OC. Didn't noticed that the board is of VIA. Still give a try....
^^ Thats a Via chipset, I doubt it has AGP locks, besides its Asus, so I am betting no OC'in options.

Like others have suggested I'd say get more RAM with it, games like Farcry etc gonna make use of it.
sydras said:
It will be decent enough for playing older pre 2005 and maybe some 2005 games. The card may be CPU limited though so you won't get the best performance from this card.

Main thing is, you need to have a decent PSU for a 6600GT. A generic 300W PSU may or may not suffice.

VRAM won't make a any difference with your current config.

Like I said... :hap2:

Now I am caught in a big confusion as to take a new 7300GT for 6k(Not very sure abt this ... jus asked from a shop on the phone) or an old 6600GT .....

My main aim: need to have vista running properly & some decent games

Thanx for all of the info
Both 7300GT and 6600GT have nearly the same performance. Also 7300GT IF it comes in AGP variant, costs somewhere around 4k mark and not 6k, he must have told you about the 7600GS, or maybe he wanted to rake in some extra cash.

For your purpose and for your rig, the 6600GT is the best bet, 7600GS is nice too at about 50% faster (you should be able to get a second hand piece from TE at some 4.5k hopefully)

Anything faster then 7600GS is a waste for you, also IMO dont spend more then 4-4.5k for an AGP card now, especially for this old rig.
Deepak said:
Both 7300GT and 6600GT have nearly the same performance. Also 7300GT IF it comes in AGP variant, costs somewhere around 4k mark and not 6k, he must have told you about the 7600GS, or maybe he wanted to rake in some extra cash.

For your purpose and for your rig, the 6600GT is the best bet, 7600GS is nice too at about 50% faster (you should be able to get a second hand piece from TE at some 4.5k hopefully)

Anything faster then 7600GS is a waste for you, also IMO dont spend more then 4-4.5k for an AGP card now, especially for this old rig.

Thanq very much for the info. I have been doing some research among some guys I know. They have suggested me to take a new card instead of a used one. Finally, in a dilemma I have come back to TE experts for advise....
Help guys.... Plzz pour in suggestions......:hap2:
Well, if the card is under a good amount of warranty (6+months) and the seller gives say a 1 day personal warranty, then I see no reason to not purchase a second hand card if its at a good price.
Also look at the reputation of the guy, btw as the ppl have said get a 6600 GT second hand for abt 2.5k, thats the max u should spend on that rig.
Now I am left with 2 options::
a dedicated 512MB one a possible 7300GT
or take a 128MB 6600GT with an extra 512MB ram

My config:
AMD Athlon 2800+
ASUS mobo K8V-MX with VIA chipset(VRAM: 64MB inbuilt I think)
Ram : 512MB

In hell of a confusion :Comp3:

Thanx guys
128MB 6600GT with an extra 512MB ram

This is the better of the two options . . for GPU having higher clocked / faster card with lower memory is better than using some low clocked / slower card with higher memory... ;) .

EDIT: i say get a 512 MB ram additional for your system.