Graphic Cards 8600 gt to 8600 gts ??


hey frnds just came across dis tutorial of converting 8600gt to gts.
dunno if it happens :huh: or not.coz me havin 8600gt OC to 725/1700 :D n dont wanna void warranty by doing if ne 1 has ne idea plzz comment on this

tutorial :
1-> extract ur 8600GT bios thru nibitor.
2->after extracting the bios,in the 1st page cahge core to 700,shader to 1600 and memory to 850.
3->click bootup clocks and enter the same above values.
4->in the 2nd page (Voltages) set the field 3D to 1.32V.
dont tough anything else.just save the bios.
5->create a MS-DOS boot floppy.load nvflash into that floppy,the original bios and the modified bios.
6->boot from the floppy and at the prompt enter 'nvflash -4 -5 -6 'name of the biosfile with the .rom extension''.
aftre flashing boot into windows and check device'll show 8600GTS.
gamervivek said:
if you have the card stable at those clocks flash the bios for those settings.
do the volt mod only if you know the safe limit for your card depending on its build.

VR-Zone : Technology Beats - First Look at Overclocking the 8600GT!

thats a volt mod of palit 8600gt sonic

now my card runs at 725/1700 n is quite stable.also crysis runs at decent speed,n even after running ati tool for 4 hrs it didnt show any artifacts :hap2:
so i guess i will stick with normal OC :)