Graphic Cards 8800 GTS freezes whenever I play any 3d app.



As soon as I open any 3d application like a game (any game) the whole computer freezes.

I am using 8800 GTS with the latest drivers.
Windows XP SP 1
And C2d E6750

Could it be the SP 1 in XP?
Any help guys would be appreciated. This is driving me nuts. Its a new rig BTW.
A slight update to this very weird problem.

So I downgraded the drivers from 162 to 97. The problem was exactly the same. However here is the odd thing. If I start the computer and dont run any program. I.E I run a game as the first application in Windows it works flawlessly. WTF? I really am beggining to think its a problem with XP SP 1.
m47r1m said:
A slight update to this very weird problem.

So I downgraded the drivers from 162 to 97. The problem was exactly the same. However here is the odd thing. If I start the computer and dont run any program. I.E I run a game as the first application in Windows it works flawlessly. WTF? I really am beggining to think its a problem with XP SP 1.

Give us more details, what brand video card.
Run Orthos blend test to check if the ram is the culpurit
Do you notice any corruptions during gameplay, artifacts or likes ?

Also use driver cleaner to clean up ur drivers, use directx buster to remove and re-install direct X and check...

Also check ur comp for trojans etc...
Card memory overheating causes tearing textures and/or black spots in games. So that's not the issue.

1. Power supply going kaput?

2. Check GPU temps...

3. Do a complete virus scan

4. Try changing driver versions (if latest switch to an older drivers)

5. Do video benchies hang too? Like 3D Mark etc?
Mystery solved (I hope so anyway).

I took the card back to SMC (it was an MSI version BTW) and they say they can get it swapped. Very nicely though (since my xfx has no onboard display) they guys over at SMC gave me a used 7800GTX to use in the time they get a replacement.

And guess what? Not a single crash with the 7800 and I stress tested the card to the limit.

Hopefully the replcaement should be just as good.

Thanks for the help anyway guys. I was so sure it was a software issue. Tells you what I know.
Arghh brand new card. Still the same problem!

Any ideas on what to do?

The temp levels are OK. The PSU is 500 W. The RAM seems to be OK (worked with the 7800).
Crazy_Eddy said:
I would place my bet on the PSU.

If you can afford an 8800GTS, you can afford to get a PSU better than some Amigo ;)

i second that should get a Corsair ka 620W PSU or a VIP 600W ATXP4 like i have its sufficient enough to hold a 8800 GTX version
Normally I would agree but you have to read a prev post. Any game I run as soon as I start windows runs flawlessly. I just played STALKER on maxxed out settings at 1280 X 1024 for about 40 minutes not a single problem.

However if I load any 3d app from this point on it will freeze.

Before you get the new PSU, here is what I suggest to narrow down the problem. I will put my "Rep" at stake here... if you know what I mean. But the honest suggestion is take your rig to NP (SMC) and ask them to test your rig with a new PSU preferably Coolermaster 600 Watts or something similar. See if you are having the same problems. As the last thing you wanna do is invest in a new PSU for 4k and than find out that the problem has not gone.
techcheat said:
Before you get the new PSU, here is what I suggest to narrow down the problem. I will put my "Rep" at stake here... if you know what I mean. But the honest suggestion is take your rig to NP (SMC) and ask them to test your rig with a new PSU preferably Coolermaster 600 Watts or something similar. See if you are having the same problems. As the last thing you wanna do is invest in a new PSU for 4k and than find out that the problem has not gone.

like i said just get another PSU try it out something better than amigo definately its not a bad PSU but its not sufficient for an 8800 GTS card atleast wht i feel