Graphic Cards 8800xxx Nvidia Hit With Class Action Threat


A New Yorker is seeking support for a class action suit against the video card manufacturer because he says drivers for the company's high-end 8800 card have caused him problems.

Goldman's PC screen started to blank out intermittently and constantly flash an inscrutable error message that read: "Video driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has recovered."

Goldman claimed Nvidia's drivers for Windows Vista caused the problem and that the company ignored his requests for help. Now, he wants payback. "I'm entitled to damages I incurred as a result of Nvidia's misleading marketing campaign, and so are a lot of other people," he said.

FULL STORY: Nvidia Hit With New Class Action Threat Over Windows Vista Glitches -- Nvidia -- InformationWeek
RiO said:
Nothing great, you can sue anyone for anything in the US. And people sue primarily for financial gain.

I agree, but still it would be great to have such a system in India too. :D, financial gain kept aside, At least people will not have to put up with the bulls**t the service providers and companies throw at us.
RiO said:
Nothing great, you can sue anyone for anything in the US. And people sue primarily for financial gain.

No , it isnt the scene as you posted. They are more aware of their rights.Even if he gets financial gain,he has put an effort to make the brand more liable and responsible, result of which you can give your credit card and order stuff from Newegg etc. and not be worried like you would be in case of a new indian pay portal.
Even the lawsuit filed under famous "Coffee was too hot" incident was a genuine one and company was charged for making flimsy cups which spilled the coffee.

At the end of day we are either scared or too tired to get into complex lawsuit scenario and consider it someone else' problem.
De alchemist said:
No , it isnt the scene as you posted. They are more aware of their rights.Even if he gets financial gain,he has put an effort to make the brand more liable and responsible, result of which you can give your credit card and order stuff from Newegg etc. and not be worried like you would be in case of a new indian pay portal.
Even the lawsuit filed under famous "Coffee was too hot" incident was a genuine one and company was charged for making flimsy cups which spilled the coffee.

At the end of day we are either scared or too tired to get into complex lawsuit scenario and consider it someone else' problem.
Don't compare the Indian judicial system to the US. You think that guy sued to get great service/support or a replacement card? He wants the corporation to pay... period! This isn't the first time something like this is happening, and in all cases why will someone waste their time if there was nothing in it for them.
Cain0xr said:
Haha, true, in america a burgular can probably the owners sue if he injures himself in the house he's burgularing :p

Thats literally true, I have heard of a case wherein a burglar tried to enter a house through a window and got electrocuted from the home security system that they had in place. He promptly sued the owners of the house for not putting up a warning sign about the electricity in the windows and he won the case and got a huge compensation..:rofl:
did you people read the last para in the link I gave in the first post....

In February, a Web site registered to an address in Nova Scotia, Canada, appeared on the Internet that also threatened Nvidia with a class action suit over Windows Vista incompatibilities. That site,, now appears to be defunct.

I wonder what happened in that class action suit.....
Lord Nemesis said:
Thats literally true, I have heard of a case wherein a burglar tried to enter a house through a window and got electrocuted from the home security system that they had in place. He promptly sued the owners of the house for not putting up a warning sign about the electricity in the windows and he won the case and got a huge compensation..:rofl:

lolz, we need that system in India, I can make a job out of this, to hell with a gts, i would be able to afford a full c2d rig with a 8800gtx card without any problems :p
You want to have a laugh read the hits I got for this search...

burglar sues home owner - Google Search

some of the hits...

broke in to a home and was shot by the homeowner, but that's not stopping him from going

Accused Burglar Sues Homeowner Who Shot Him

a cat burglar sued a homeowner for injuries incurred while falling through the homeowner's skylight ...

Homeowner foils burglar from 6300 miles away ... But just wait for the thief who sues the home-owner for broadcasting his image without his permission