CPU/Mobo A little niggle with Startup


I am using a DFI LP-UT P35 T2R mobo paired with Q6600 running at stock speed.

The problem i am facing is with startup. After pressing the power button, PC starts up normally until the CMOS check is carried out. After this, only a blank screen is showing up, when it normally should show 'Starting Windows XP' screen with a progress bar running.

After pressing the Reset button, PC starts up.

What could be the problem ?
yes i am able to get to the advanced windows options by pressing F8. Even if i choose 'start windows with last worked options', same thing happens and the blank screen just doesnt go even after 15-20 mins.
did u try booting windows in any of the safe modes?.. if you are able to then you might as well try to restore windows using system restore.. its a clear case of OS being corrupt.. also try to check if there are any errors in the event viewer if you are in safe mode..
According to me windows files are corrupted try to reinstall it or repair it......or either the ram is probleming, remove the ram from the board and clean it with soft cloth and push it back.....this might work or else reinstall windows
Even I have the same problem.. board is abit ip35-e with e8400
However this thing does not happen every time but once in a while so i thought as normal glitch n ignored it. however wenever this happens i simply press the restart button n it starts normalyy...
I dont think its cause of OS cause I have recently install it.. :(
Aaah.. simple things ! In order to re-seat the RAMs, i was about to open the cabinet. And there it was, the cause of it all - since last 8-9 days, it just lay there silent and un-obstructing.
The Card Reader - with a SD card in it - and connected to usb at the back panel.

My cousin bro forgot to unplug the damn thing - and this, is what caused the start-up trouble. After i removed it, the pc starts up absolutely normal. No niggles whatsoever.

I had faced a similar problem with IP35 - E. With the wireless rumblepad receiver plugged into a usb port, siilar freezing up used to occur, and somehow all this history just skipped my mind :no: .

Now, with the pc running smooth as always - i thank all of you for the suggestions !
Case closed.