A new pair of eyes.. and a third eye..!


Molar Police
Staff member
Super Mod
Indulgence is a luxury. Ever since I started wearing prescription glasses over 10 years ago, I wanted to splurge a decent amount on a decent set of glasses. Got the opportunity only recently.. :) Let the pics do the talking..!




The lens is a Crizal A2 Airwear, and the frame is a Spencer's.

Total damage: 6.4K (A big jump, considering my previous set of glasses cost me only Rs.600 in all.. :p )

If that wasn't enough, I decided to go with my heart and get myself a third eye.. ;)





:D Total damage: 34.75k for the 550D + 5.4K for the 50mm = 40.1K

Ordered from ebay (modcameras) - order placed on Sunday, shipped yesterday and received today in brilliant packing. :)

P.S: Just to make you guys jealous.. all of the above were gifts from the lady of the house. :p
ronnie_gogs said:
Congrats... Perfect choice for DSLR package :)
:) And I should say all thanks to you for the heads up about the ebay deal. Although I didn't get the cam from the DOTW seller, I got an equally good bargain from the other seller.

@ Kranthi: Not just teeth.. :p

@ Gannu: Should I say, some of us are lucky..! ;)
logistopath said:
:) And I should say all thanks to you for the heads up about the ebay deal. Although I didn't get the cam from the DOTW seller, I got an equally good bargain from the other seller.

I am glad it helped you :)
I was so tempted by that deal but have to prioritize my spending for now :(
@ hatter: Thanks..

@ronnie_gogs: Yeah.. it is an awesome deal. Wasn't expecting a price fall this soon. Hope you'll get yours soon..!
Congrats!!! Crizal A2 are just awesome! Got my pair few months ago...its an entirely new experience!!!
Planning to buy the DSLR from the same seller...how was the transaction with him? Also, did u get a camera bag too??
^^ Crizal A2 is really awesome. So light, yet so clear.. and doesn't smudge so easily. Cleaning it is very simple. I don't regret spending so much on a pair of glasses.. It was worth it.

The deal with modcameras went absolutely fine. I paid for the cam on Sunday, he shipped it on Monday (yesterday), and I got it today. Can't expect a faster deal than that.. Packing was wonderfully done. Package included the camera bag as well as a Class 4 4GB SD card.
logistopath said:
P.S: Just to make you guys jealous.. all of the above were gifts from the lady of the house. :p

I am no jealous at all, :p as I also got my third courtesy lady of the house :D


Hope you bring this beast to surat.
^^ :D He he.. It was not pointed at you or Gannu. I know both of you are equally lucky to have wonderful partners. It's for the loners and the not-so-lucky guys.. :p
logistopath said:
^^ :D He he.. It was not pointed at you or Gannu. I know both of you are equally lucky to have wonderful partners. It's for the loners and the not-so-lucky guys.. :p

Glad that you have a great partner, but dont pity our rather blissful state :mad:.

On a serious note, great stuff Prasad :D. The glasses are great. Me too have been using those 600-700 bucks frames for almost a decade now. Hope to get one of these soon. How much the Lens and frame cost individually ?
logistopath said:
P.S: Just to make you guys jealous.. all of the above were gifts from the lady of the house. :p
Ok..my next showoff would be of "lady of the house" :p

Am really jealous :hater:

Btw sweet price for 550D, Cograts :D
@Faheem: Yeah.. Will start posting soon..!

@eternoMind: :p Frame cost me around 3.6K and 2.8K for the Crizal lens.

@Konquerror: Thanks.. :p Regarding the show-off, do it at your own risk.. ;)
Good i too recently made a decent pair of glasses. i went for Zeiss though. Very good clarity indeed and its so light also.
var89 said:
Good i too recently made a decent pair of glasses. i went for Zeiss though. Very good clarity indeed and its so light also.

Well I didn't like zeiss at all...they are scratch-prone...had to change them in a year...so went with normal ones...and I found them better than zeiss in that department...