A Note to Indian WCG Organizers


I hope this message gets accross to the "gods" of Indian WCG. Did you guys tune in to watch ? If you saw the match, what did you conclude? AciD is CS 1.6 clan and WCG was gonna be CSS. If Indian WCG would have been CSS, then maybe the team representing India would have been different and maybe we wouldnt be playing the maps for the first time on WCG finals.

Again, next year if the same thing happens, then it is better for team representing India not to play only. Because there must be a better reason to go to SG than to do shopping.

Dear Stormblast, I was on of the 19 spectators cheering u on when you played the match live (both of them.) I have nothing against you personally. Just that, dont make critical errors like making prelims cs1.6 when finals are a completely DIFFERENT game like CSS. Hell, even a AMD 3000+ with 6200TC gives 100 fps for CSS @ 800x600 low settings. Is that too much to arrange?


VuNaMi <Karan Misra>
Team.Ti Leader
^ ^

actually, the first match was better, played good and was neck and neck, its the second match in which the game difference really showed, the recoil, game positions and all are very different from CS 1.6, so naturally our team was at a disadvantage, they tried their best, but only if the WCG india guys had css in the prelims maybe a CSS playing wud have gone to WCG or atleast those guys wud play CSS together and get a fair bit of idea, am sure they did but naturally it was not enough, had all the fire power, but map sense/posis were wayy outta mark

I just hope we have CSS next year....
Dude. Indian CS and infact Gaming is very substandard compared to other Countries.

Karan, WCG India had AMD 2800+'s, and 6200TC's and 512 MB Ram.

Good enough to run it.

Realistically speaking, Half the Money given to IndiaGames to host WCG, goes in their Pockets. Yes it does. Do not argue.

Rave, first match was neck and neck coz Turkey Honestly isnt a great team. Plus they too qualified from 1.6 while Malaysia qualified through CS:Source.

I saw the match, i was one of the Spectators too. It just looked like ACID was totally lost in the map and didnt know what to do.

Shots also werent as good as 1.6

All they did was go Full Auto and tried to kill. I was really depressed @ ACID's performance. I guess they werent Practicing CS Source after WCG either. Only Stormblast was, who really played Well, compared to his other team mates.

No offence, i know its easy for us to say this sitting on our comfy chairs at home but this is a fact.
bad that we lost, the moot question is, as rightly pointed here, why play cs1.6(prelims) when the wcg event was css, this is asking too much of a team, really bad & not fair at all :(

indiagames, what the hell were you thinking.
its good a thread like this came up coz i wanna vent out all my anger here too and this is not because of cs.
india is the only country in which rule changes happen ALL THE TIME. rules mean nothing. its just some crap written on paper that people believe is true until theyre at the venue.
i wanted to win wcg this year in nfs and i could have but i didnt because rules changed. all because indian wcg organisers dont give a crap. the game referees themselves dont even know shit.
ive been practicing for nfs for quite sometime now and my laptimes without nos in the wcg tracks are as follows... dockside : 1:09.xx, smokestack : 1:15.xx - 1:16.3x , phoenix steel - 1:25.xx , observatory : 44.xx.
i lost because they put me in observatory, the track in which any noob can play well, and that too not 5 laps, 3! they told me 5, but it wasnt , it was 3 because rules changed and i fumbled somewhere and lost because there werent enough laps to catch up. and in a track like observatory and 3 laps (wtf), there is no such thing like "catching up"
i feel that the guys from indiagames deserve to take bottles and break them over their hollow heads until theyre dead or until good sense prevails.
and im hoping like hell things will be better next year.
let me vent my anger off here too........i went for fifa at wcg and out there i found out that fifa rules had changed instead of a 6mins half-time they had kept 2 MINS HALFTIME !!!!!!! and not just that they change the gamespeed frm normal to FAST it was just not playable...........and to top it all of.......we were given INTEX KEYBOARDS !!!!!!!!! :mad:
What I notice at most of the Indian gaming forums, is complaining how bad ACID plays..

Cmon wtf if you could have beat them, you should have played... And JBI hardly pratices anymore now too ;)
Aces170 said:
What I notice at most of the Indian gaming forums, is complaining how bad ACID plays..

Cmon wtf if you could have beat them, you should have played... And JBI hardly pratices anymore now too ;)

dude didnt you see the first post? The prelims in India were made cs 1.6! AciD (MA) is a CS1.6 clan. How is a CSS clan supposed to beat AciD in a CS1.6 game?

I have nothing against AciD. Just that the prelims should have been Counter Strike Source.

Also LOL @ 2 min half time.

so much discussion....1 simple answer....Did u guys knew tht there was a proper vote called for which game should be played in prelims...all of the people voted for cs1.6 when asked abt the finals in singapore that will have source....the answer was....we wont make it to the finals anyways so y play source...

So its not the organisers to be blamed its the gamers themselves
IceFusion said:
so much discussion....1 simple answer....Did u guys knew tht there was a proper vote called for which game should be played in prelims...all of the people voted for cs1.6 when asked abt the finals in singapore that will have source....the answer was....we wont make it to the finals anyways so y play source...

So its not the organisers to be blamed its the gamers themselves

Nice bit of information there! :rofl:
Aces170 said:
What I notice at most of the Indian gaming forums, is complaining how bad ACID plays..

Cmon wtf if you could have beat them, you should have played... And JBI hardly pratices anymore now too ;)

well i guess u didnt read properly, i said they had al the firepower needed and abit more, but that is not enough when the team ur playing is as good as you

nothing against Acid, going to wcg for 3 years is in itself is a good thing :)
IceFusion said:
so much discussion....1 simple answer....Did u guys knew tht there was a proper vote called for which game should be played in prelims...all of the people voted for cs1.6 when asked abt the finals in singapore that will have source....the answer was....we wont make it to the finals anyways so y play source...

So its not the organisers to be blamed its the gamers themselves
It does not matter.
Its a pro event. The rules should have been same to that of final event. No polls, no other way. As simple as that.
You dont qualify on 125CC bike and then race in MotoGP do you?????
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
funky...understand this....top clans vouch tht the qualifiers should have cs1.6...and u r organising...with the success of the event depending on u....
u know most of the gamers very well...and they say keep it cs1.6...telling u even CPL uses 1.6

What do u do..
then why even organise event for WCG? If its independent event then i can understand, go for most popular game. This is qualifiers for something bigger.

This whole thing is big joke.......
if that was the case i think we would all be happy polling for and playing street fighter 2. comeon man... we voted for it.
its not the organisers fault. ppl wanted to play street fighter so to hell with the wcg national rules who gives a damn neways ppl wanted to play sf2 so let them.
arun_rulezzz said:
if that was the case i think we would all be happy polling for and playing street fighter 2. comeon man... we voted for it.


its not the organisers fault. ppl wanted to play street fighter so to hell with the wcg national rules who gives a damn neways ppl wanted to play sf2 so let them.

wow, well said man...........

i have a friend who was up-close and personal when the voting happened, and guess what? CSS had won the vote, but some influential ppl wanted to go to SG (to hmm do stuff) and CS1.6 prevailed. infact i saw we all vote for ut2005 to be played instead of css next year also, so we have prelims in ut2004 and finals css. that will be cool na?
I think the time has come where i jus wanna type a nice long post and PUT MY MIND OUT HERE...and i really wish no1 twists my words...firsly....i personaly think indian wcg owners need mental help becoz i think their whole thinking is wrong.....they shud think wat wil the bst team of india will do at wcg rather than who will play if css will be there......the word "pro gaming " still does not exist in our country people....look at gaming past..only 1 team is participating....ACID i wud say is the only quality" team in india....wat do they do wen they go abroad ?? cough cough..and y SHUD they play well...trust me i don blame aacid in any way...where WERE ALL THESE POSTS BEFORE WCG EH ??????? i don kno "gaming scene " in india yet coz b4 joining ti i was a f*****g noob and maybe still am...but i think the whole attitude of organizers is wrong...all f*****g ti memberz WERE S******G THEIR B***Z THINKING CSS IS FOR WCg AND ALL WILL GO....I WAS FREAKING GOING " BOOK MY TIKET LATER COZ I WANTED TO PLAY FOR MY TEAM....b4 some illeterate guy says "do u think u cudve defeated acid" i am saying..NO I DONT....but it was literaly our dream 2 compete wcg and i can assure we wudve atleast done well......but still 1.6 was held in wg...ANYBODY KNOWS WHY ????? i kno...coz FEW "HIGH PROFILE GAMERZ" DECLINED TO PLAY IF IT WAS CSS...well i want 2 say this 2 organizers...DUH !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ofcourse they will....y do ppl dont like css..? coz they hav 2 start from scratch......1.6 pro's WILL not succeed in css...everything is diff..recoil..maps..bla bla.......WELL ITS WCG FOR CHSRISTS SAKE NOT SOME RELIANCE tOURNEY !!! .... CSS IS THE OFFCIAL GAME....COME AND PLAY IF U WANT...THE WHOLE THING WASNT A JOKE IT WAS STUPID !!!...YES IT WAS......ill tell u why ? coz both the games r F*****G different and i really dont kno how a gud css team cudve done well and enter the css rounds ? im the bst example ..as adi will kno....of a terrible 1.6 player 2 come up in css.....there r very few like adi and arjun who can play both games.........i wish india had beter sponcers...yes i kno the sponcers felt..all indians cudnt afford gud comps ...the game..bla bla..BUT they cudve held a side tourney if they wanted 2 ...but css was official...wat sense 2 put 1.6 in earlier rnd and then 1.6 :S all i can say is LOL.....im sorry i wanted 2 say al this long time ago..here every1 (except ti memberz) r blaming...WHERE WERE U GUYS WEN THEY WERE ASKING IF 1.6 OR CSS ?? and on the other side..IS THAT SOMETHING TO ASK ALSO ?????....obv all will say 1.6 ..half have neva even played css :s......newayz...no use crying over spilt potion.....hopefully nxt year indian sponcers wil take required steps and if they dont hav donation will keep a katora with tag "donation" on it ....instead of thinking who will play if css is kept..they shudve thuoght wat will the winner do in sg .....all r f*****g gaming freaks in india.......i wanted also 2 post how everything in uk goes on ..the leagues etc etc..but i KNOW some ***** will comment on me calling me some foreign shit..so im jus dribling the topic...coz in every forum i go...ppl mis use my words...bah........newayz...want 2 clear out :-

1) i hav nthng against acid and personaly feel they r a briliant team with bright indian stars
2) the sponcers or organizers shldve done a better job
3) not 2 repeat this nxt yr
4) v street is paving the way of gaming 2 develop in india...rock on guys...
5) nxt time wateva the game is..keep that...let the tourney be empty....atleast rather no team goes and plays rather than a 1.6 team going and getting raped...
6) no offence 1 any1 and jus wanted 2 convey mah thoughts now that my leader has put up this topic...

sry i missed this part :-
funky...understand this....top clans vouch tht the qualifiers should have cs1.6...and u r organising...with the success of the event depending on u....
u know most of the gamers very well...and they say keep it cs1.6...telling u even CPL uses 1.6

dear man...cpl and wcg r competiting tournaments....they both r two totaly diff tourneys .... i dont kno wat does 1.6 being there in cpl hav 2 do wid wcg......i dont kno why no1 thought wwat will 1.6 clan and do in css....

and i mean 2 be polite....i wish ur objective was to help indian gaming go 2 pro levels rather than seeing the "succeess" of the tournament......u cudve changed everything mate..YES u cudve....u and i both kno if css wudve been there for wcg ...all wudve started playing it...i kno the tourney wudve gone flop but atleast all wudve started it.....but u put 1.6....haha...all of us were saying ppl will play css if wcg keeps it...coz they r let wid no choice....ofcourse we were wrong.. :)


( no offence)