Linux About UHARC Ultra Compressor

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powerful compressor available the UHARC(originally a DOS based compressor) but unable to make it work.There are many versions available and I am not very comfortable in the DOS varient. However the CMD version the UHARC.CMD 2.1 integrates itself with windows and after installation while right clicking on any folder or file an option comes as "COMPRESS WITH UHARC" and if we click that option then the compression process starts and after finishing that we can convirt it to an SFX archive.But in my case when I click on the "compress with uharc" option nothing happens.The DOS screen just flashes for a second and thats about it.:( I m unable to find the cause for this if any of you guys know about this error plese help..........
P.S-I need to compress all the 7-8GB games to a 1-2GB archive with plese help me on this one if you can:huh:
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