Laptops Acer Aspire One D250 or Lenovo S10-2


i know this one has been asked a zillion times here but now that lenovo has come out with S10-2 model which looks quite decent which proves to be a good buy.
i am currently using a compaq celeron M laptop for 3.5 years and need a good replacement and have zeroed on these two netbooks.
I was quoted 19.3k for acer aspire one 6cell model and 20.7k for lenovo s10-2.
feature wise it is difficult to choose between different netbooks these days but what matters is looks and after sale service.
Can you guys pitch in with your experiences with the both models and is there any other good netbook upto 25k .
I doubt if Lenovo provides a 6 cell battery with the S10-2 whereas the Acer D250 has a 6 cell battery. That means the D250 will run for a much longer time.

If looks are that important for you, check out the Asus Seashell range. In my opinion, they look much better than the Lenovo netbooks and have a 6 cell battery and a great keyboard too.
Well looks dont matter much to me but what i was trying to say was that these netbooks pretty much have same config like intel atom 270/280 , 1 gb ram , 160 gb hdd et all so what should be the criterion for distinguishing between these net books.
I liked acer aspire one but i am sceptical about its hinges and having seen my compaq's hinge broken because the design of acer hinges resembles that of compaq...
is asus 1005 a good netbook and is it worth the extra dough
Just gt my S10-2 yesterday for P19,995 at PC Corner Gilmore

Atom N280

6 Cell Battery - 5 to 6 hours on balanced settings


160GB HDD C: (100GB) D: (30GB) Hidden Partition: (Lenovo Quick Start OS / Linux)

Quick Start boots for 10 sec. only.

Licensed XP Home - Installer on the HDD

This model also has a one touch recovery. Just incase you XP gets cranky.

Minimal Heat generated, been using it for 12hours straight already.

I have read reviews and checked the actual units of almost all the available Netbook available in the market.

My 1st choice was ASUS 1000HE 2nd was the S10-2 3rd is the Wind U100plus and 4th was the Wind U100x

The form factor and built of lenovo gave me my deciding factor. I know the other models have better specs but I like the feel of the keyboard which is pretty solid and the QS and One Touch Recovery is very handy.
Congrats for the purchase.You really got it cheap:hap2:
I will be picking up one during these navratras:eek:hyeah:
Now that you have fiddled with this toy is it good enough than acer aspire one.i really like its looks.Also is the screen and the panel matte like s10 or is it reflective like acer aspire one :mad:
Give a detailed review if possible