Alert to the newbies- fraudlent assemblers!!

The Sorcerer

Beware of fraudulent dealers !!!​

I have 2 friends with same query:

Girish Sadhwani who bought the config and another was Nitish Nanda. For both I suggested similar config- but for Nitish I suggested gsb and a x2 processor from the pc build guide.

Girish was saved from being ripped off around 4-6k excluding the 2.3k for OS and hardware installation (charging for pirated OS can land him in trouble) whereas Nitish was charged for horrible system for 65k. Girish got the vfm system from prime- end of story and a soul is saved.


Second guy is a hassle and I decided not to help such people:...Nitish got a quote for some c2d processor+ abit ip35e+ god knows what graphic card+ 2gb 667mhz+ seagate 1 TB and the rest is scrap metal. Since Nitish proved himself to be a dumbass he ended up making a conference call between me and his assembler.

We ended up arguing since the assembler was not ready to give the details. I stopped the assembler from speaking since he was raising his voice for no reason and I told Nitish his wish.Nitish dad spoke to nitish's uncle since the assembler was his guy so his uncle called me.

He made another conference and the assembler started arguing about AMD and told me that when he tried to install amd processor on intel board and it doesn't work properly- so intel processor is good only with original board. I was like WTF!!! I told him since the processor socket is different, how did he manage to put it on the intel board? The assembler hung up.

The uncle was more troubled since the assembler didnt pick up the phone. Nitish's uncle started taking assemblers side and saying that he got an excellent quad core system for 2.5l 3 months ago. I stopped his uncle from further conversation and asked for the config.

He didnt know- so i asked the cpu-z validation. It is as follows:

Q6600 e0 stepping+ some g33 intel board+ 2GB 533mhz zion+ seagate 500GB and sony 24 lcd tv.

Oh boy!!!!! I told him that rig is much cheaper than what you paid. He said like how can quaddies be that cheap? The processor itself is 35k-40k. I said its as cheap as 10k, and you would most probably got a bit better quadcore for 10k then that. He went beserk!!! He started asking "Are you sure?- you are not a professional assembler- how do you know??" I told him straight away "This is a difference between an assembler and a well informed user!!"

Uncle said he will call me back. His uncle called me in his office- i preferred IM. His uncle is a CA. He told me that assembler seem to have ran away. He thought of making a police complaint but he had a challan- not a bill. Police refused to make an FIR since it was the consumer who was to blame and his lawyers said there is nothing can be done. His uncle was pwn3d- bad luck. Not all can be technically sound but assemblers should have some form shame when they are looting so much.

Point came back to Nitish's system. I was tired and angry at Nitish so I told that go get it assembled it by prime and buy it from them- as it is they put the hardware together for 300 bucks- even for a newbie who doesnt know how to put the hardware together its not that bad- considering others were robbing him royally.

This is where I draw the line- he said that it was best to keep friendship in mind and wanted me not to keep any commission. I told him decently-F.O.!!! He saw Girish's system on my facebook and he was seemingly surprised that such a good setup has been put up together 3 days ago- came back to me. He asked me "Why are you helping people without keeping commision".

Since he had that typical 3rd class dealer mental block, I explained him like a 5 year old. I told him that I only copy pasted the config from other forum's pc build guide and suggested 3 shops that I usually do- mahavir, prime and to the last resort (and I told him not to consider that as well) cassette world. He wanted me to hassle for him- I hung up the phone and removed him from my facebook.

The relevant point from here is that this is a technical forum. A proper technical forum. What some of us give proper advices- not for the heck of it, but to make sure to get the best for your money. Some acknowledge- some dont. Let's try to save atleast the people who acknowledge us. Its the same thing I request to newbies. When you give an advice, make sure its a proper one and not a stupid one liner. But then again there are some who mistake hardware issue for software/driver issue >_>
socerer ..please paragraphs ...and yea a nice story ...and i feel bad for that uncle ....

lol@amd on an intel board ...hahahahaha
Well Said indeed!!!

It is sad that such things still occur, and the end user refuses to think clearly or do any initial research.

P.S. Clear the post up a bit with highlights on the key points, it may be lil confusing for some to read
This happens everywhere and every business. Thats why you should ask the price at 3 shops and buy from the cheapest ;)
Yep, a typical story. In last few months I had given config to two people, listing each component by its exact name. I don't assemble people's system myself because if something goes wrong these people, who have no idea about what is an SMPS, are usually come to conclusion that it must be my fault.

Anyways, on to the case of these two people. I gave one the names of a few shops in NP from where he could have shopped his stuff, but he decided to go with his "dealer friend". This dealer friend, in the end ripped him off by giving a zeapo cabby instead of CM one that I have mentioned in his config and probably a cheapo PSU.

The second case is more interesting. Here I not only gave the names of the components but also the prices. The system was costing around 40K. But a few days later when this person told me that his dealer is giving the system for just 34K, I wished to have a look into the cabinet:

Here is what was changed:

* 9400GS instead of 9600GT

* Mora Cabinet+Mora power supply (bundled with cabbie) instead of CM Elite and 460W Power+

* Gunjan or similar sounding name speaker instead of Altec Lansing 2421

* Some Cheapo UPS

* some cheapo KB+Mouse

This dealer was trying to pass off a system worth around 17 to 18K for 34K :p
lolz. happens a lot. @morgoth, even i stopped doing any assembling or anything for anyone.

people download and install any useless stuff and if windows crashes they blame me - you assembled it. yeah right. but morons are using it. sheesh.
Sorcerer has lost it.

Still doesn't know or learn how to write shorter sentences and use paragaraphs more often.

All in all- incoherent rant. :|

There are system assemblers/vendors who sell 10-15 Intel Bad Axe2 mobos for 16K odd each for accounting rigs, 8GB RAM on 32-bit OS, 8600GT for 11K and the likes.

These so-called official vendors loot Govt and even private offices for h/w purchased.

There are others who sell 4GB pendrives for mrp of 900 odd- all sales on mrp actually.

And the informed know how deadly buying at mrp/sticker price can be in the h/w market.

Others who buy back old IBM laptops at 1500/- when the leather case it came in costed way more, etc etc

Many a times, the purchase dept/HR dept or some rogue employee is involved in the scam- for personal benefit in cash or kind.

It's just business for most- no hard feelings Sorcy. :bleh:

If only one is 10% as opportunistic and unethical as these people, a new car and a new house is not far off. :p
when i have to help a friend, i give him a list, with the company names/model nos. everything, and the prices. After that, its up to him what to do with it... dont get involved


its was same with dad.. he would always take the dealers side, who would be selling him a load of crap. "ye motherboard pe 256mb onboard hai. ispe sab kuch chalega"

and a 2140 + intel mobo for 10000 bucks
inshort n00bs always get l33ched.....

i remember getting a quote of 10k+ for 8600GT and i had even posted the same here......after getting a quote i right away dumbstruck the guy with the market price.....he had nothing to say....and i was given that quote after being a regular buyer to his shop for 4-5 years....i never went back there....
As switch pointed out, this happens everywhere, that's why one must consult/get quotes from others as well.

Sorcerer has lost it.

Still doesn't know or learn how to write shorter sentences and use paragaraphs more often.

+1, format ur post properly yara, its very straining on the eyes.
We all went through it, didn't we? I remember I used to pay a guy Rs. 500 for formatting my windows when I was a noob. We all learn the hard way.
once my friend was showing off as he had bought an assmbled systems with vista original pre installed or so he claimed when i checked his computer out it was Windows XP with Vista Transformation pack :rofl:
Sad case....wen something like this happens i do get the feeling how dumb people canbe i mean what was the uncle thinking 2.5 lac for the setup??...even the newspaper have ad's branded pc's with quad core costing just 40k.
Same case happened with my friend. It's been about 2 year for it. His dad's friend was a Computer Hardware Assembler, he quoted him a good config computer for 45k. I was very excited to see the config.. my friend called up that guy and he started telling me the config.. Dual Core + Intels mobo D102 + 512MB DDR2 ram + 80GB HDD + Key/Mouse + iBall cabby and 17" LCD.. Same config I bought just a week ago for just 26k. I was shocked, I told him not to buy from that dealer. but he has that faith on him, that dump assembler told me that Samsung 17" LCD is worth 23k. I was shocked. I got that for 11k about week ago. I was angry on my friend, I warned him not to buy from that dumb, though he bought it..

It wasn't my profit or commission or something, it was about his profit and prevention from such huge loot. ahh. these assembler sucks :mad:
I think we should have TE badges made and flash them at dealer places. That way at least it will save us the pain of haggling so much.

Funny things aside, I know it is painful when dealers rip you off. It has happened to me and I have understood it the hard way. I would recommend that people take such incidents as a learning and move on unless the blow is significantly high as in the case of his uncle's.