- which courier should I use?


I have ordered 64 GB micro SD card. IPS web shows below status. seller is having excellent feedback & shipped items quickly.

12/4/2014 4:45:00 PM CHINA 518103 Receive item from customer (Otb) How long it may take?

i am planning to order one more item (mobile- ~120$). How about custom charges for mobiles.? which courier i should prefer?(china/HK/swiss/sweden) DHL costs 70$ are the options available)
HK is faster than China.
Got my package from HK in under 10 days and from China, it takes around 40 days. Have ordered numerous items but only one was sent from HK.
But I would also advise to stay away from them for costly items.
Yep ordered two items from mainland China, more than a month back, still not received, also tracking page has not been updated this past 15 days. Shall try hong Kong next time.
Not many sellers provide HK for free. I was lucky to find the required item so thought of trying HK for a change and yes, it was way better. Never thought to receive my parcel in 10 days.
In most cases, the delay with China Post/HK Post is on the Indian side.

I got my package through China Post in 20 days. I ordered on 18th OCT, the package was in Calcutta by 24th OCT, I received it on 7th Nov.

Whether China Post or Hong Kong post, it seems to come to India in about 5~6 days time. After that, its all depends on the delay on the Indian side.