All Time Greatest Gaming Villain! Vote Now!


This sucks. Starcraft 2 players have mass voted Kerrigan all the way to the top, heck I just heard her name for the first time today and General RAAM? That last boss of GOW was difficult but did he deserve making it in the All Time Greatest Game Villians .... defo not, perhaps All Time Greatest Boss Battles but not this one.

I wish Kane or Bowser made it. But out of the 4 available I hope Joker wins this .....
Saren from Mass Effect 1 should have made it in the final list. The whole story revolved around stopping Saren. General RAAM appears only twice in GeOW 1, he was no different than the Beserker or the giant creature.
This is GAMINGs greatest villain. Joker is great and all but that is in movies and comics. In games he only appeared in Arkham Asylum which was decent but really cannot be compared to the likes of Diablo or Kerrigan or even Arthas. Has he appeared in any other game? Not sure about Darth Vader as I havent played any Star Wars games until now. Come to think of it even Diablo, Kerrigan and Arthas have appeared in only 1-2 games, but their effect has been so epic that they have become almost legendary now.