Alpha strike 2!

Another order drops in the mail from KMD!

The Sony 18-250 f3.5-f6.3 lens. Let the pics do the talking:

Customary Dabba snap

Dabba snap wid Todphod!

Alpha Lens cap

Rear lens cap

Lens fully retracted at 18mm

Lens fully extended at 250mm

This is my 2nd one after the Tamron 17-50 f2.8 lens. I know "true SLR" users will crib :D - but my rationale is simple, fast f2.8 lens for indoors, superzoom for daylight/outdoors/travel.

From what I see so far - a bit more PF and bit less sharp than the immaculate Tamron 17-50 lens but definitely oh soooo fun to use. It's like using the Sony H2 all over again. Damn good fun to use it on the long-end. Sharp when stopped down, definitely lesser fringing and vignetting too. High vignetting wide-open at full-wideangle. But again, sooo much sheer fun to use. :D Same size and weight as my 1st lens at 18mm.

Initial shots in The Photography Thread!
Nice stuff..but don't you think 3.5/6.3f is a little to high for an 18-250mm?I'd personally like to go down to 1.8/2f.Unless you use it more for wider scenes than really close up one.
Thanks guys!

@Floccy: Umm, there are no telephoto lenses (150mm+) with such wide apertures. Definitely no zooms even, the fastest zooms are the 70-200 f2.8 types.

The f6.3 is limiting in low-light but very much useful in daylight - infact, every kitlens is f5.6 at their longest 55mm end. So this is not much slower.

And the last bit about more suitable for wide than close-up is confusing. :) A telephoto is always better for close-ups - wide macros are fun but not practical for most applications.

Congrats ! And I actually found out that you got this lens from the photography section, so I can't rib you for not posting any pics like last time ! :(