Review Amazon doesn't ship the product

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I need the gripdaddymount v2hdr, Amazon is the only website and it seems this item cannot be shipped to India. Any solution from anyone the cheapest way to get it. I don't mind paying a fellow member if he has sns account or something similar and the charges workout reasonable enough. Or any other way to get it. Please advice.
May be go to and link them to the product and they shall create a page on their website to buy the product in INR and you just order it using the page of iBhejo. The cost you see on ibhejo is the final cost you will pay including shipping, customs etc.
But yes along with this ask quotes from others like ishopinternationl, PPO Box, SNS etc.
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Tried to purchase from ibhejo, payment didn't get through. The site seems suspicious, any more ppl who can vouch for it.
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