CPU/Mobo AMD chipsets, quirky by nature?

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Caffeine Addict
worth a read ;)

this paragraph pretty much sums up what the author is trying to say

So am I a nitpicking Intel fanboy that bares a grudge towards AMD? No, I don’t have a preference per se, and we obviously get as many AMD processors and motherboards in the lab as we get Intel’s. The problem is that with new chipset releases such as with PCIe Intel is always spot on, no issues, it just runs out of the box. Whereas with AMD there’s always issues plaguing these new chipsets which make the system unstable, cause for features to not work and a plethora of other problems, NVIDIA’s Nforce 4 SLI chipset being a prime example. These issues take many months and multiple BIOS/drivers revisions to get fixed, after which the next chipset is usually around the corner, so the whole thing starts over again.

Wouldn’t it be nice if AMD were to step up to the plate and manufacture their own chipsets, like Intel does and make sure their processors are accompanied by chipsets that are the pinnacle of speed and stability?

Complete Article
AMD tried producing thier own chipsets AFAIR long back. It was a DISIATER. It it wasnt for VIA, AMD would have gone down big time. Yes there is an definative edge with Intel producing thier own chipsets but then again. Back when only Intel and Via were there nobody wanted a VIA chipset cause of instabilities and Intel would play everything so monopolisticaly that we had to abide by thier rules. Nowadays with so much copetition(VIA, ATI, nVIDIA and SIS)so there is bound to be some issues due to deadlines. Lets just wait till the time nVIDIA officially releases a chipset for Intel. Lets see then if this fanboy makes so much noise.
amd does have some chipsets for the corporate areas that use opterons .. and they perform quite well actually ;)

maybe thats what the author based his article upon
lol what can i say?
he drew conclusion regarding NF4 SLI by testing 1 motherboard, 1 early version of A8N SLI. LOL................
How can you rely on such people?
Anyway AMD761 was deascent chipset for Athlon MP dual processor. but it was marketing and economical disaster for them.
Well afaik didnt the SLI technology first come out for the AMD platform ?
Its a new technology,nothing that is done everyday,come on guys,it is bound to have certain problems.

And if you ask me, the Asus SLI board didnt give me ANY issue while enabling SLI.Please remember that i got my board in December,just after the A8N SLI was released.

Also it is totally untrue that the Intel setups dont have problems.
Ask me about it,
The early setups on LGA775 had various issues,they too needed lot of BIOS revisions to iron out various issues.
This happened with all brands of boards based on INTEL chipsets.

So i dont think it is a problem that only AMD setups have, Intel one's have their share too.
exactly, i too had no problems with A8N SLI. And i just found out that upping voltage to 3.0 now allows me to run my Geil 1:1 on my board with manufacturing date on Feb2005 revision 1.02 with 1007_003 bios.
This thursday(when my midterms are over) I am gona open that sealed 6800GT ( one i was doing my best not to touch ;) ) and gona go SLI, atleast until i find seller for this card :P
Read that article long back.BS in short.
nforce 2 chipsets are mentioned as unstable by the author.WTF?
All nforce chipsets were stable if u knew how to set them up.Nforce1 did lose out to the then KT266A but it was a good first attempt by Nvidia.Even via chipsets are not too bad as long u don't pick something with a 'KM' monicker on a m-ATX format-some how they always have issues.
nforce 2 was a great chipset,nforce 3-150 was average and nf3-250,nf4 have all been very good.
Anyways the article has little do with people like us-we'll screw things up just to fix em again.LOL.
I've never had any issues with nvidia chipsets and amd proccies. Also the two via chipsets for amd that i've used (KT133A and K8T800) were relatively problem free. Well other than the wierd promise SATA and Audigy conflict issue on the K8T800 based K8V.
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