CPU/Mobo AMD Phenom II X2 550 BE '0922APMW' Available in Ritchie street, Chennai

Last week i went to purchase a hard drive for my friend. I noticed phenom II 550 BE in a shop. When I check the processor its our favorite 0922APMW. The price is very sweet at Rs 5200. I asked him how many pieces are there. He told me 30 pieces left. I just purchased from amarbir else i would have bought from there.

Shop Name : Suntek computers

its before oasis. I think its in the same complex of Moosa games but in the ground floor.

Go and get yours if you are hunting for the same batch proccy and post your experience here.



Edit: Just noticed the thread name should be 0922APMW available in chennai, Ritchie street.

Mods: Please change the thread name.
well i called them.. said they would charge me 5300 for the processor.. now theyre supposed to email me about the shipping.. i want it here tomorrow :|
Dude confirm with the batch you are asking for. I saw one proccy on display with the same batch. I havent seen the stock. Ask them before you pay.
Well.. they havent sent me an email yet with account details.. I specifically gave my email, told them im from mumbai, and told them I needed the details fast so I could send and they could ship it out today so I could receive it tomorrow..

Seems like its not going to happen.. I guess Ill just stick with the 0915 that Im getting here. Its unlockable on a Biostar so Ill see how it works out.
That shop is heavily crowded . So it may take some time for them to respond. If they gave the banking details just ask you need a batch number 0922apmw. I think the price has been increased last week it was 5.2K now 5.3K . Seems to be 550BE is in high demand
lol darkie following me everywhere.. ill have to get He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named to get the newest stepping that he can today or tomorrow.. that is.. if hes coming over.. I want the x2 more for OC'ing than unlocking.. the cores were disabled for a reason and I dont want the processor to get screwed up and then get a crap stepping later when I RMA.
I visited Suntek earlier today. They wanted 7200 for the 1 piece of AMD 550 0922APMW. :mad: Chap by the name of Ameen. When I told him that the price should be in the region of 5.2K-5.4K, he said he would give me another piece with stepping 0915. Asked him to keep it.
Yes man. They are little bit unethical :mad: Perhaps when i asked that time he was not aware of quad unlocking I think. Yesterday I saw same stepping at RC automationsbut didnt enquire on the price.
try the 0929.. mine unlocked and its running 3.8ghz quad @ 1.4v beautifully. Got it from mumbai though.
Thanks Monkee and Vijaycool

Vijay, could you help me with the address of RC Automation as I am not from Chennai.

Monkee - I've seen your post of 0929BPMW :thumb: I had a question though - you seem to have lowered the HT to around 1600. I am not interested in overclocking. Is it possible to run the unlocked CPU at stock speed and HT of 2000 or have you reduced the HT to 1600 to allow OC or to stabilize the system?
With the modded bios required for my mobo, the HT has to be set at 1600 regardless of OC'ing. It was mentioned ( and I confirmed ) that setting the HT to anything above 1600 will result in "weird" circumstances. Well for me, it just didnt boot, I had to reset CMOS .. :p