- Product Name: AMD Phenom II 555 BE + CM Hyper 212+ combo
- Price - Sold to Audiophi1le
- Reason for Sale: Upgrading
- Product condition: 10 of 10
- Purchase Date: 2/8/10 for cpu, early 2011 for HSF.
- Invoice Available: CPU (Yes), Cooler (No)
- Payment options: Cash, NEFT
Have this 555BE that successfully unlocks to a quad (unlock is stable as well), have pushed this to 3.8ghz but used to keep this at 3.6 during heavy use, solid proccy for the price. Underclocked atm since i dont game much or run heavy apps these days.
Ships with stock HSF, my spare tube of thermal paste which can be used multiple times (since the one that comes with the cooler is sufficient for one use only) and the CM Hyper 212+.
Currently interested in a combo sale only so please don't post queries for individual pricing.
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