

Casual Gentleman
Just got this baby a coupla days ago from Mumbai, VOX Valvetronix AD30VT Amp.

Sounds pretty damn sweet, being a hybrid amp (Solidstate + Tube Preamps), and has some pretty accurate amp models (by pretty accurate i mean it can imitate the JCM800/AC30/AC15 tone damn well)

came with 11 preset amp models
AC15 - Channel 2 of a 1962 Vox AC15
AC30TB - Vox AC30 'Top-boost'
BOUTIQUE CL - Dumble 100w head
BLACK 2x12 - Fender 'Blackface' Twin Reverb
TWEED 4x10 - 1959 Fender 4x10 Bassman
UK ’70s - 1971 Marshall 50w Plexi Head (high treble channel)
UK ’80s - 1983 100w Marshall JCM800 head
UK MODERN - Marshall JCM2000 DSL100 head (High gain channel)
NUMETAL - 100w Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier head(modern high gain channel)
US HIGAIN - Soldano SLO100 Head (hi-gain channel)
BOUTIQUE OD - Dumble Overdrive Special 100w head (overdrive channel)

now here are the pics :D (pardon crappy quality, taken from phone)



Back + Top Controls:

Amp and my Ibanez RG370DXL in the background:
Congrats, it's a decent amp but the price is too steep in India (~18k). For that price, I'd recommend importing a Peavey Bandit, which will blow away the 50-100W Marshall combos available in India ;)

And btw, this thread will be moved out of show off sooner or later, because it doesn't qualify - happened to me the last time I posted some guitar related electronics :p Apparently, phones count lol..
Anish said:
Whoaa nice stuff ! I've always wanted to hear one o those hybrids, sure will be nice!
It's got a nice clean sound and the twin verb channel is good, but I'd say it's far from sounding like a Rectifier or JCM ;)
Congrats Powersurge, looks neat :)

RiO said:
And btw, this thread will be moved out of show off sooner or later, because it doesn't qualify - happened to me the last time I posted some guitar related electronics :p Apparently, phones count lol..

Well the logic behind the show-off section was showing off stuff that is discussed around the forums. Something like -- i discussed xyz here on TE, and ended up buying this :)

We do have a mobile phone section which is why phones count (but no guitar gear section).

Your thread i guess was moved to Chatterbits just to help with better organisation of threads, if you can recall there have been a few guitar recommendation threads too which were created in none other than the Chatterbits section, simply because there was nowhere else for it to go.

Personally i guess any electronics related thing is ok in Show-off.. so if it pleases you i can move your thread back ;) this is a Guitar amp.... hmm... I just assumed it was... Didnt know for sure until Rio posted !!

Anyway, Have fun with it Powersurge !!
RiO said:
Congrats, it's a decent amp but the price is too steep in India (~18k). For that price, I'd recommend importing a Peavey Bandit, which will blow away the 50-100W Marshall combos available in India ;)

And btw, this thread will be moved out of show off sooner or later, because it doesn't qualify - happened to me the last time I posted some guitar related electronics :p Apparently, phones count lol..

i dont like the peavey's and no it does do a good JCM tone (mind you, if anyone had the money for a JCM, ofcourse they'd go for it, us poor folks have to go in for modeling amps ;)), its just got a boatload of presets which are gonna take a week for myself to even figure out :p

the peavey, or even the line6 spider III's are good at more higain, heavy distortion metal stuff, which is one genre of music i HATE. wanted an amp for funk jazz and blues, and this fits the bill pretty well.

it was a bit exp for 16k but the MG's sound like crap IMO and the Spider III is a metal lovers wet dream with its insane dist/od channels..
Heh, I hate Peavey man, but you have to hear the Peavey Bandit - it's a class apart especially when you look at all practice amps collectively... great for rock/metal.

If you've played on a JCM800 driving 4x12" Celestion speakers with volume/gain turned half way up, you'll know this Vox doesn't even come close in simulating it, but as I mentioned I loved the clean sound of this amp ;) I tested it along with a bunch of others recently since I'm getting rid of my Fender '85 head and 2x12" stack because it's too bulky and 2 valves are busted. So far, there's no combo in India that I like :(


@Eddy, I had that thread deleted after it was moved - no issues, glad this kinda stuff stays in show off now although I'm done showing off lol :p
havent played on the JCM, but watched it being played real close, when warren was in bbay last time round. i agree it wont get close to a JCM, but then again, this is as close as you get to a JCM sound with a budget-mid range amp. on the other hand, before i picked this baby up, played it alongside a MG100HDFX, and this thing totally blew the MG100 out of the water tone-wise.

oh, and i wonder why there isnt a guitar/musicians forum on TE, sure would be fun *hint* ;)
A bunch of musicians, including Warren, used to hang out at and back in the late 90's but those sites went dormant for a while and I left. A section here couldn't bring back or create the same magic as an all-musician community :)
RiO said:
A bunch of musicians, including Warren, used to hang out at and back in the late 90's but those sites went dormant for a while and I left. A section here couldn't bring back or create the same magic as an all-musician community :)

yup, everyones shifted pretty much to the new RSJ boards now Clicky