Anxiety and palpitations

Anxiety itself is a normal emotion/state, it's generally when it's due to disproportionate/non-existent threat and/or chronic that it's problematic
For unexplained anxiety unfortunately not many specific usage medicines are available for it, generally it's an antidepressant that's used in the chronic case, benzodiazepines not that useful for chronic usage
Anxiety itself is a normal emotion/state, it's generally when it's due to disproportionate/non-existent threat and/or chronic that it's problematic
For unexplained anxiety unfortunately not many specific usage medicines are available for it, generally it's an antidepressant that's used in the chronic case, benzodiazepines not that useful for chronic usage
Currently I am on ssri. They helped me and now I have less palpitations
And feel good. Doing meditation and yoga that really helped
That's nice to hear, combination of meds along with healthy lifestyle changes is probably the way to go for long(er) term anxiety problems

For me tranylcypromine (MAOI, rather old(est) class of antidepressant) seems to work decently
Also it might sound counter intuitive but methylphenidate (a stimulant) also helps a bit

Both however increases heart palpitations (tranylcypromine probably due to being a amphetamine derivative so some stimulating effects as well (?)) but worth it
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There's a lot to it.. mental stress, anxiety, irritation, anger, fear, worries, mood swings, disturbed sleep patterns, insomnia, panic attacks, loss of confidence, sudden speaking issues, stuttering, nervousness etc.
All these are interlinked and complex to analyze and treat.
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There's a lot to it.. mental stress, anxiety, irritation, mood swings, disturbed sleep patterns, insomnia, panic attacks etc.
All these are interlinked.
That's why I started to follow same cycle. Waking up at same time. No major changes in daily routine. And now life feels better.
Had it, but never took meds for it. Used wake up sweating and shaking in the middle of the night. Got over it when I stopped giving ph**k about it.
In mid of June same happened with me. Sometimes I used to wake up with panic attacks. And that was the worst thing ever happened.
In mid of June same happened with me. Sometimes I used to wake up with panic attacks. And that was the worst thing ever happened.
For me, it went on between 2013 to late 2014 and then for a brief period during summer of 2016. In earlier time, was using substances to cope, alcohol and nicotine and MaryJane. In latter incident, took antidepressants twice only but the feeling of numbness they brought on impaired me from functioning at higher cognitive level so never took them again. In 2017, got in with a group of some real stand-up "@$$h0les" who helped me a lot in overcoming it all. Plus used to workout with them and also hit bars with them so that's when things improved for me.
Still get some mild bouts but they are limited to me destroying my "manicure" orally.
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I've been pretty much with anxiety for 8 years now, had my first panic attack 8 years back. After that for 8 years I've never had another panic attack but during the nights it's always felt like having a mini panic attack everyday but without the heart pounding, hyperventilating but with overthinking among other stuff.

Now after the first lockdown had another panic attack 8 years later and few months back had a series of daily panic attacks and I finally decided to get help. Now after starting treatment for 10 days, I've never felt this calm and at peace over the past 8 years, wish I did this long back. I still have a long way to go as still I'm not able to sleep and wake up on time but trying little by little to get there.
@quaratineinthesejeans knows about my issues and how bad I have it. He's helped a lot too.
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I've been pretty much with anxiety for 8 years now, had my first panic attack 8 years back. After that for 8 years I've never had another panic attack but during the nights it's always felt like having a mini panic attack everyday but without the heart pounding, hyperventilating but with overthinking among other stuff.

Now after the first lockdown had another panic attack 8 years later and few months back had a series of daily panic attacks and I finally decided to get help. Now after starting treatment for 10 days, I've never felt this calm and at peace over the past 8 years, wish I did this long back. I still have a long way to go as still I'm not able to sleep and wake up on time but trying little by little to get there.
@quaratineinthesejeans knows about my issues and how bad I have it. He's helped a lot too.
You know what's the irony. Nobody talks about mental health in India. And I hate it most
^^ It takes a lot of courage to talk about these issues openly.
Since you did that, the most difficult battle is over.
I also had severe anxiety issues after quitting hard stuffs. Since I can't take any benzo or mood altering substances, it was even more difficult.
Lot of physical activities ( specially boxing) helped a lot.
Re-breathing in a paper/ plastic bags also help.
Interesting thread.
Beside gym, have to tried contact sports? I avoid weight training in gyms, but we have a boxing ring in the gym and a basketball court behind..those helped me more.
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I have a specific issue because of which I get anxiety. A few years back, due to a storm, the roof of my farm shed got blown off. The damage wasn't a lot but we did have to reinstall it, whole 3500sq ft of it. Since then, every time there is a storm, I get a small panic attack as it is costly to get the roof repaired/reinstalled. Thankfully, all I have to do is close the curtains and put on my HPs and wait for the storm to pass. Just a few days ago, saw someone's whole dairy farm get ripped due to a freak storm and seeing all that just worsens my anxiety for a few days.
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I have a specific issue because of which I get anxiety. A few years back, due to a storm, the roof of my farm shed got blown off. The damage wasn't a lot but we did have to reinstall it, whole 3500sq ft of it. Since then, every time there is a storm, I get a small panic attack as it is costly to get the roof repaired/reinstalled. Thankfully, all I have to do is close the curtains and put on my HPs and wait for the storm to pass. Just a few days ago, saw someone's whole dairy farm get ripped due to a freak storm and seeing all that just worsens my anxiety for a few days.
Recently lightning strike in Jaipur (amer) which killed 30 people.Very nearby area I worry about these things. Why such tragedies ??. Such things worsened my anxiety. My brother and mom denies me not to think too much about this. All you can do is pray for them. But now i Don't worry about such things. I pray for such misfortunes not to happen. And meditation and yoga helped a lot and drinking water too.
People dying don't bother me that much, call me misanthrope but animal abuse pisses me off. When I read the news of that pregnant elephant who died in Kerala because of that firecracker thing, it really made me angry for 2 days. Eventually came to terms with it but still these things bother me the most.