Monitors Are 8-bit LCD Panels available in India?

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Staff member
As the thread title states, do we have any good choices in India?

More specifically, ones that are not horrendously expensive :bleh:
Crazy_Eddy said:
As the thread title states, do we have any good choices in India?

More specifically, ones that are not horrendously expensive :bleh:

On this page the 17" Samsung 770P is supposedly a 8bit one... but dont take my word for it let CHAOS confirm it :)

EDIT: Aaaahhh .. UDIT beat me to it :)
770p is probably the successor to 173p which 'm using now (8 bit as well) excellent monitor
Eazy said:
On this page the 17" Samsung 770P is supposedly a 8bit one... but dont take my word for it let CHAOS confirm it :)

EDIT: Aaaahhh .. UDIT beat me to it :)

770p is 8bit PVA. But for that price, its better to just put in another 5k and get the 2007 WFP once the banding issues get sorted out by dell... seems its something that can be fixed with a firmware update.
Viewsonic 730b isnt available here. :( Here's my mail to them, and their reply. Quite funny, actually :P


we thank u for your keen interest in viewsonic vp730b 17" LCD .

as the indian customers are not willing to pay high price for very premium
products like VP730B and VP930B,
We have introduced VP920b AND VP720b in INDIA which is available at very
competitive price..

pls understand unless we have certain minimum volume it is not possible for
VIEWSONIC to introduced the new models in INDIA.

as you are well aware that VIEWSONIC believes in delivery of high standard
of service which is not possible if VIEWSONIC can not stock
spare parts in INDIA and in turn which requires a minimum volume sale of
particular model.

we hope u will understand and settle for VP720B OR VP920B OR VX922 which are
available in INDIA.

we hope to rec your co-operation and understanding in the matters.

with warm regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Gautam Ghosh []
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 11:22 AM
Cc: MH Tina Chen; Service In; Eileen Kan
Subject: RE: ViewSonic end-user feedback
Dear Umang,
Can you take this case up and report...

gautam ghosh
Country Manager- India
ViewSonic Technologies (India) Pte Ltd.
Tel$B!'(B+91 9310513116

-----Original Message-----
From: Judy Lu On Behalf Of Service In
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 2:21 PM
To: Service In; Eileen Kan; Gautam Ghosh
Cc: MH Tina Chen
Subject: RE: ViewSonic end-user feedback

Dear Mr. Ghosh,

Pls kindly need your help to handle this request.
Thank you.

Best regards,

Judy Lu $Bb:Gp!)(B
Operation Support Dept./ CS Div.
ViewSonic International Corp.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 7:47 PM
To: Service In
Subject: ViewSonic end-user feedback
End-user feedback

Time: 5/12/2006 07:46:48 PM

Category: Sales

Name: KulkarniRohan


Office tel no.: 25764989

Model: vp730b

Serial#: [N/A]


I can't find the vp730b anywhere in mumbai. I contacted your authorised
Roop Technology PVT Ltd, and he said that this model has been replaced by
vp720b. Is this a joke? The vp730b is an 8-bit MVA panel, while the vp720b
is a
6-bit TN panel. I don't even understand what it is doing in the professional

So, which is your best 17" LCD right now, and where can I get it in mumbai?

But I must say thier support is very good. Just see the way my query went from Viewsonic Intl. to the Country Manager, and finally to the local distributor. Impressive.

However, I'm still unable to understand :P
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