CPU/Mobo Asus 785TD-V Evo not working with 4GB DDR3


I have a M4A785TD V Evo running a X2 550 and 2 + 2 GB Corsair DDR3 1333 MHz (CMS3 or CMX3 I think).

I recently wanted to upgrade to 8GB by adding a stick of 4GB DDR3 1333 MHz. I took the PC to the shop on Lamington Road. The PC would not boot (i.e. absolutely no display / no bios screen etc.) with a stick of 4GB DDR3 on the MB (tried both Kingston and Transcend). The problem was the same with and without the existing 2+2 Corsair so it cannot be memory conflict between the existing Corsair and 4GB stick of Kingston/Transcend.

Any thoughts on why the MB may not be working with a stick of 4GB RAM? The MB is rated up to DDR3 1600 (o.c.) and is running the latest bios.

Appreciate your thoughts/advice.