At what framerate does a Game run very smoothly ?


I wanted to ask what is the frame rate required so that the game does not lag. i.e it should run very smoothly. Is 30 fps enough ? Is there any software by which i can check the framerate of my games ?:huh:
Fraps isn't free i think (but works the best if you do manage to 'find youreself a full version', I'm sure there are more though.
Before, I say anything about how much frames you require for smooth gameplay, lemme explain a lil theory.

When you see a movie or a game in a TV or monitor, nuthin is actually moving. Just dat the images put in sequences so fast, so dat u can get an illusion, dat the stuff is actually moving.

In order to have an illusion of a moving object, an average number of 24 stills are required. That means, der has to be 24 images per second given to ur eyes senses. Now, dat the minimum number and an average. When experiments were conducted out on many people for the illusion number, number varying right from 16 to 32 were obtained. Some people found the illusion to work even at 16 fps right upto 32 fps. Hence an average was given 24. In case, you didnt knew our TV network PAL works at 25 fps. But again, dats the minium fps u need for the illusion to work.

Studies have showed, that an human eye can captures 72 images per second. Thats means at 72 fps, you will have ultimate smoothness you can witness. Agains dat an average. Some human eye have found to have an image capture rate of maximum of 85. Anything beyond that is unnoticible by the human eye.

So, for the basic smoothness you will need an minimum of 25-30 and maximum of 80-85. Any fps beyond dat is waste (expect for the quake 3 jump)

I will post more info if u wish to.
25fps won't cut it in a unit-centric rts like War3. It would do in AOE or Rome:TW styled ones though.
And atleast 35-40fps in sims for all that precision braking.
a lot depends on the game and mode you're playing. i didn't mind playing hl2 single player at 30-45 fps but i definitely wouldn't like to play cs or q3 multiplayer at anything less than 100. 60 fps should be smooth enough for most first person shooters though.

Yawn said:
In case, you didnt knew our TV network PAL works at 25 fps.

So, for the basic smoothness you will need an minimum of 25-30

PAL broadcasting does not work at 25 fps, it works at 50i which is 25 interlaced images per second, not 25 'frames'. in any case, comparing television or video to games isn't a good idea. if you've seen a cs or q3 frag video, they mostly run at 25 or 30 fps and look fine. try playing the same games at that framerate, it won't be smooth at all.
IMO, 45fps is playable but will not be smooth (fps drops) when there's a lot of smoke or too many enemies appear onscreen... 60 is more like it. Anything better and it's a party.
ashr said:
a lot depends on the game and mode you're playing. i didn't mind playing hl2 single player at 30-45 fps but i definitely wouldn't like to play cs or q3 multiplayer at anything less than 100. 60 fps should be smooth enough for most first person shooters though.

PAL broadcasting does not work at 25 fps, it works at 50i which is 25 interlaced images per second, not 25 'frames'. in any case, comparing television or video to games isn't a good idea. if you've seen a cs or q3 frag video, they mostly run at 25 or 30 fps and look fine. try playing the same games at that framerate, it won't be smooth at all.

Yes, no doubt. This is called something like motion blurness. TV and Video first of all run at lower resolution and its blurred a lot. This blurring cause the adjustant pixels colors to match a lot. This blurness makes it look smooth. PS2 runs the game at such crappy resolution, blurred image and not more than 30 fps. Then also, you will never find PS2 lagging.

I had some links regarding this topic where it was explained in detail. As I said, a human eye cannot see more than 72 images per second. But you still be able to distinguish between 100 fps and 200 fps in games like Quake or UT.

Anyways, I still feel 60FPS is required for a smooth gameplay.

The 50 number (50i as you mention) is called the field rate or frequency. PAL runs at 25 FPS (see it again) at 625 scanlines. Every frame is divided into two parts and will have 312.5 scanlines. The first set of scanline is called even scanline and sceond set is called odd scanline.

Now this how PAL TV shows

Frame 1: Odd Scanlines

Frame 1: Even Scanlines

Frame 2: Odd Scanlines

Frame 2: Even Scanlines

And so onn till Frame 25:Even Scanlines. Now, if you see here, it is again an illusion to make the video look ultra smooth, coz using this effect, they show 50 fps in total, but it is actually only 25 fps shown.

Wanna experience this effect @ home?? You must have seen the Bird Cage Paper Flipper stuff at school. Anyways Ashr, Evilution of Kawabonka here.
hi evilution. yea i know how tv and scanlines work :> i study that stuff. i was just pointing out that in PAL TV 50 fields are combined to create a frame instead of whole images but it looks like you already know about it. that being said, you can even capture smooth motion at 24 progressive frames per second, the rate of film (not saying you were denying it). my camera has an option to shoot at 24p and it looks great.