ATI Radeon X1900 XTX at low prices


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Was browsing the Fry's site for something else and came across the X1900XTX for $499 (add $10 shipping). I have never seen an XTX for as low as this, so sharing with those who might have GPU upgrade plans.
So my find wasn't big... changed title to suit this thread better, plus, here's an MSI RX1900XTX for $459 (shipped) after a $30 rebate ;)

The good thing with the Fry's site is they accept international credit cards.
Its always been $499 on Newegg :).

Nothing great :).

But if its available @ a Frys Depot for 499, then thats AWESOME!

Infact its 470 for the GIGABYTE.. IIRc
True haha... Then he will probab ask for the same product to come down to $200.

LOL but then i never want the latest stuff :p i waited for a year before getting the 9800pro that i own. so i will get this too when the price is right for me ;)