Audio Audio cable for Philips HP 890



I have the Philips HP 890 headphones and I quite love them for the very nice sound they provide. They have been compared to the Senn HD555, HD595 etc. on forums like Head-fi.

Anyways, they have a Philips detachable audio cable with 2.5mm gold plated jack at the headphone end (with a groove) and a normal 3.5mm gold plated jack at the other end.

The cable however for some reason has gone bad at the 2.5 mm end (most likely) and the headphone sounds aweful with it (only one channel working, distant hollow sound etc.) I know the problem is with the cable as I am currently using a cheapo 3.5mm - 3.5mm cable coupled to a Nokia 2.5mm to 3.5mm adaptor with the headphones and they seem to be working fine (in term of functionality atleast but this is ofcourse far from the ideal cable solution to extract max out of these - there is also lot of disturbance on slight disturbance to the 2.5mm adaptor as it comes loose etc.).

I would therefore not like to continue with this kludgy solution and want a good quality audio cable solution back.

Could you please help me out with

a) where I can get an original Philips cable (with that proper groove lock etc.) for the same ?
b) where and how to get a very good quality replacement audio cable with the same jack combination
c) good audio repair place in bangalore where I can get the cable fixed

Suggestion for places to buy the original Philips cable or third party cable for the headphones in Delhi (in addition to Bangalore) are also welcome as I am headed there in the next 3 weeks or so.
kritarth said:

I have the Philips HP 890 headphones and I quite love them for the very nice sound they provide. They have been compared to the Senn HD555, HD595 etc. on forums like Head-fi.

Anyways, they have a Philips detachable audio cable with 2.5mm gold plated jack at the headphone end (with a groove) and a normal 3.5mm gold plated jack at the other end.

The cable however for some reason has gone bad at the 2.5 mm end (most likely) and the headphone sounds aweful with it (only one channel working, distant hollow sound etc.) I know the problem is with the cable as I am currently using a cheapo 3.5mm - 3.5mm cable coupled to a Nokia 2.5mm to 3.5mm adaptor with the headphones and they seem to be working fine (in term of functionality atleast but this is ofcourse far from the ideal cable solution to extract max out of these - there is also lot of disturbance on slight disturbance to the 2.5mm adaptor as it comes loose etc.).

I would therefore not like to continue with this kludgy solution and want a good quality audio cable solution back.

Could you please help me out with

a) where I can get an original Philips cable (with that proper groove lock etc.) for the same ?
b) where and how to get a very good quality replacement audio cable with the same jack combination
c) good audio repair place in bangalore where I can get the cable fixed

Suggestion for places to buy the original Philips cable or third party cable for the headphones in Delhi (in addition to Bangalore) are also welcome as I am headed there in the next 3 weeks or so.

Dude ask golcha he has all sor of audio equipments..but i am sure he dosen't have philips HP or its cables.

However there are n number of audio shops on SP road....I am sure u can find cheaper cable.

Visit Lynx India....Arambir had posted dome high quality audio cables on dealer section.