Audio Nirvana aaya from china


Was looking for some IEM's to listen to my flac collection.Initially was interested in RE-0 or RE-1.However Amarbir's head-direct shipment got delayed a little and i just couldn't hold on to my moolah.
Went to the shop and gave RE-2 And PL-50 a try and made up my mind to buy these.Didn't even have the money in my pocket and had to rush to the ATM.

Imageshack - moto0094
Imageshack - moto0095

I had EP-830s before this and the sound clarity just blows away my mind.Well apart from the lyrics becoming clear i can now even hear those miniscule drum beats that were earlier drowned out by the vocals.The soundstage is just excellent.

To audiophiles,
Should i give them a burn-in, though i would prefer to keep listening to them and give them a natural burn-in.However i was thinking of checking out the improvement of burn-in.
Kindly advise me how to go about it.

Damages - Rs 2860/-
Puts it in the sweet spot, just between RE-2 and RE-0
Re: Audi Nirvana aaya from china

thanks everyone and sorry for the title man.....

i know you must be thinking of some AUDI showoff when opening the thread...........:S

i tried editing it but it doesn't change
Update 1:

This set of IEMs has two different personalities according to the buds you choose:

1) Rubber : If listening on very high volume,treble might sound just a little harsh.

Noise isolation pretty good on low volumes but just a tad bit less than my

EP-830. Awesome clarity and maybe too analytical for some people, but am

loving it.

2) Foam : Amazing noise isolation even at the minimum volume.Takes it's toll on the

clarity as trying to keep out the noise it also keeps out the miniscule

details.For people who would find these a little too bright for their liking

should give a try using the foams and their opinion will change.

Update 2 : Currently was listening to 320cbr MP3 as don't have a flac player.Soon will

post my views after listening to lossless
Congrats dude ! Good to see many people on TE appreciating good earphones. Credit must go to Amarbir since he has started importing Head-direct and Sound-magic earphones into India ! :)
Update 2: Surprisingly i found the IEMs performing better on mp3-320 rather than the lossless ones. but that's just me. the difference on listening to lossless was that though the details became clearer, the music somewhat overpowered the vocals whereas it was quite balanced in the case of mp3.

Let's see maybe they need a little burn-in.

@bf1983: Thanks and yes the credit must go to amarbir for getting these beauties at their actual prices. I might give the RE-0 a try too when they arrive as my bro has also fallen in love with the clarity of these PL-50s and i have told him to hold on to his horses.

So when the RE-0 arrive these will be going to my bro.

Also a note of thanks to all other audiophiles at TE and Head-fi whose reviews made my choice easy and a no-brainer in this case
Congrats ..:D I have one lying around . Too many IEMs so haven't totally burn them in but all I can say right now is if PL-30 impressed you ,these will blow your mind.Review is going to take some time.. (maybe lot of time :p)


Did you find the bass to distort at higher volumes ? The mids and sounstage is just amazing but somehow I find the bass to be weird !

Also none of the silicon tips give me a proper seal, but the foam tips compensate for it with really good isolation and sound.
thanks everyone


yeah i wrote it in update 1 that the isolation or the seal isn't that great when using silicon, but it does take the brightness or clarity away. currently am using silicon ones only as i listen at higher volumes and thus isolation is not a problem.

will check the bass issue with ny favourite bass song, Remember The Name by Fort Minor.Always used this song for checking out the base capabilities of the IEMs.

When auditioning i did listen to this song using all 3 of the IEMs, EP-830,RE-2,PL-50.

The best bass came from RE-2 but the PL-50 weren't lacking either.Will check at high volumes, though for me high volumes are a no-go because of the treble these can put-out, just too much for easy listening.