Monitors Bad morning! Need help with Dell LCD!


Long story short, there were some sort of power problems because of which my Dell SE198WFP has completely stopped working. I tried using different power cables, but the monitor won't turn on. :'(

Is it possible to get a replacement? There doesn't seem to be any damages from the outside and no burning smell or anything.

Also, how do I go about the warranty? I had purchased it from Prime ABGB. The Dell site asks for a service tag which I can't seem to find. There are 2 numbers on the sticker. One says REV A01 (I guess for revision 1) and the other is a long serial number. The Dell site says both are invalid. :(
i just got my monitor replaced few days back, just call the toll free no and tell them you don't have service tag no as its a monitor. There is no option for monitor in the IVR i just went to the desktop menu and talked to the person. They will ask for serial no and when/where you purchased from .....
Ofcourse its under warranty, that's why I'm asking about RMA. Only 11 months old. The thing I'm worried about is if they will accept if they check and find out somethings blown up. Wanted to know if someone has had a similar experience.

@Rahul - Thanks. How long did they take for replacing your monitor?
viralbug said:
Ofcourse its under warranty, that's why I'm asking about RMA. Only 11 months old. The thing I'm worried about is if they will accept if they check and find out somethings blown up. Wanted to know if someone has had a similar experience.
Give it to RMA and act like a dumb computer user.
when they ask what happened, simply reply "I don't know" :p
^^ Haha yeah. Just tell them, you woke up this morning and you found that your LCD was dead. Tell them to do something fast as that's the reason why you chose Dell over other brands because of good quality panels. :rofl:

Anyway, good luck!
sickizblank said:
^^ Haha yeah. Just tell them, you woke up this morning and you found that your LCD was dead. Tell them to do something fast as that's the reason why you chose Dell over other brands because of good quality panels. :rofl:

Anyway, good luck!

yes thats exactly what im going to do. im just hoping they dont check too much.
infact that is almost what happened.