I have Raspberry Pi connected to my home network. I have this app JuiceSSH installed on my phone, which is nothing but a ssh client which helps me login to the device remotely.
My query is, if I ssh into my RPi through the app, using my 4G network and once I login, I run a wget command, in order to download a zip file, say 5GB big, which data would the RPi2 use? My understanding is that it would use the home network. Still wanted to confirm.
Additionally, if I close that session from my mobile device, while the download is happening, would it stop the download thread or the download would continue in the background?
My query is, if I ssh into my RPi through the app, using my 4G network and once I login, I run a wget command, in order to download a zip file, say 5GB big, which data would the RPi2 use? My understanding is that it would use the home network. Still wanted to confirm.
Additionally, if I close that session from my mobile device, while the download is happening, would it stop the download thread or the download would continue in the background?