Beautiful Widgets 5.0 out, with Android 4.2 compatibility


Beautiful Widgets is out with a new version, Beautiful Widgets 5.0. The latest version of the first paid app on Android that had crossed the 1 million downloads milestone packs a complete redesign with new, more refreshing and interactive widgets.
Beautiful Widgets 5.0

Beautiful Widgets is probably a widget app found on people's phones just like the popular GO Launcher Ex is. Packing beautiful weather and time widgets with an even more beautiful forecast system and animations as well, Beautiful Widget's much anticipated 5.0 version is finally out.

Beautiful Widgets 5.0 on Google Play Store

Also included is complete Android 4.2 Jelly Bean lock screen compatibility. Beautiful Widgets 5.0 can be purchased for $2.49 off Google Play Store. For that price, we believe it is more than worth every cent!

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