Storage Solutions Bent hdd sata connector while removing it..

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The repair guy who I'd given my pc to recently replaced the sata cable without telling me with a 90 degree one and I ended up pulling it and breaking the sata port on the hdd. Feel angry and dumb. The end part on one of the pins is missing. I have the data backed up on an external drive but dont want to spend 3.4k on a new drive which might be faulty.

Will it be stable, should I attempt to replace its pcb or should I just get a new drive?

Drive in question is WD10ezrx wd green 1tb 2015 model
SInce your data is already backed up, buy a new hdd. There's no guarantee the drive will work if you repair it.
The end part on one of the pins is missing.

Which pin is damaged? last pins on both ends are grounds, your HDD should still be intact and work fine with one of them damaged
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