Linux best KDE distro as of now

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hey guys which distribution do you think is best for KDE as of now? in terms of speed,memory usage ...etc
with all that is going on around with GNOME/Unity I have decided that I am going to use KDE for a some time to come.
SO which distro best fits the bill for KDE ?
I had Fedora on my mind but I wanted to know what everyone else had to say !

I tried Kubuntu 11.04 but for some odd reason while running LIVECD one of my processors was using 100% usage :-| that's what to know everyone's take
the problem is I really dont have the time to do spend on installing a DIY linux :-( atleast for couple of weeks
Try Pardus 2011.2..may be it is one of the best and polished KDE distro around..!

"m not a kde fan but 'm totally impressed with Pardus..yes it jus works out of the box..!:)

"m using more thn a couple of weeks IMHO Pardus is more stable and reliable KDE distro...:hap2:
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