Linux Best linux distro for first time users

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Founding Member
Which would be the linux distro to install for the first time users of linux.
Your thts plz.
plz keep in mind that the key is that it must be user friendly, no hassles in installing and must install with windows. Also it must be easy to uninstall.

What you say?
Easiest to use should be RedHat..(IMHO) ;)

And for first timers, better go for Knoppix or Gnoppix.. Put your CD and run the OS rite from it.. No hassles.. Just plug'n Play kinda stuff..

Free OS ->This link should help. You can download rite from there..!
I would think Mandrake would be better for newbies.

I think RedHat or Fedora doesn't resolve dependencies of its own when installing packages. One has to search for the dependencies.

Ubuntu Live CD is a better option after trying out Knoppix. Get a feel of the real Linux with the Debian-based Ubuntu.
Well I If Wud B Really New, Then I Won't Go Directly 4 RedHat, Fedora... I Wud Rather Try Live CD's Like, Mepis, Mandrake [Yup We Have Live CD's 4 Mandrake 2 ;) ]....
hmmm well, i made that as a general thread. I am not a complete noob btw :P though i work on linux at work(well for surfing and all), but never at home. Normally though people tell me(I don't know this for sure) that fedore is not very stable.

From what i know suse seems to be the best overall.... atleast if you go by what the tech sites say(i remember cnet rating it as one of the best distros)
And mandrake looks cool too.
And in all this a friend tells me that pcq linux 2005 is the best in all these.
So what you guys say about these?
pcq2005, suse, mandrake?

(And i am looking for an installation version one, not a live cd.
Here's another harassed customer looking for a migration to linux!
Thanks techno for the suggestion! I'll grab a copy of PC Quest next month.
Fedora not stable???
well...i'm surprised...coz as far as I know its one of the most stable distro out there...
plus its easier to install too (if u're not a complete n00b ;))

SuSE is the best looking and thoroughly polished distro. Its as close as you can get to Windows XP on a Linux machine. Mandrake is best of both worlds...cute looks and latest version is stable too.
So, its not a problem..go for any of the three -> Fedora, SuSE or Mandrake.

As for PCQLinux, its based on Fedora Core and in-house distro by PCQuest.
Customized for the maximum benefit of Indian users. :P
First time users - try Knoppix. You don't need to install anything, and you get a fully functional linux distribution to try out :)

When you want to install linux on your hard disk, you can go with either Fedora (or PCQL), Suse, Mandrake etc. One small aside - these three are all based on RPM package management system. RPM is easy to use to install most software, but occasionally, it may be a pain getting dependencies to work. Personally I prefer distro's with simpler package management (without any dependencies like slackware linux) but your choice may vary :)

Other good choices - Vector Linux 4.3 (fast and sleek distro based around slackware), Vector linux 5.0 SOHO (bigger version of former), VidaLinux (gentoo with easier installation).
The best to start wid are knoppix and once u get the hang of it, hop onto looks a breeze to install,and feel tht it is the best 'desktop' nix distro... though advanced user will do good to look at other distros...i for one prefer Slackware...
i guess if u realy want to istall it then go for mandrake or suse,
then can move to FC or Debian,

but better use Knopix for some time
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