Other Best Smartphone ??

Hi ,
I want to get my hands on the best smartphone that is available. Will be buying in <1.5 months.
I want it to be either apple or android only with exception of Samsung phones ( I really don't like samsung).
I have'nt owned an iphone till date. Budget is not really a problem.
Will be using it mainly for apps and voice assistant.
Which one should I buy?

Thanks in advance
Do you know the restrictions that iPhone places on its OS. If you have used android before, be ready to be frustrated when you cannot find a file manager or a copy paste way of getting music onto your phone.
Buy iPhone only if you understand its limitations and can live with it.
If budget is not a problem, buy iPhone 5S highest capacity model when it is launched in India.

If android, go for Note 3 may be, if it is not too big for you.
I read about the limitations and people jailbreaking ios all the time, but where can I find out all the list of things I can't do using an iphone??
I have'nt used android either . I have used only a basic phone till now. Never really interested in smartphones until now.
I really like the way ios7 looks in the ads though. And I believe appstore has better apps?
If I'm going android , I think I'll probably buy HTC One or One mini. Anything more than 5 inches is not for me , Is I'm looking to keep the phone in my jean pocket when riding my bike.
Can I run ios7 on the latest ipod touch if I buy one for apps?

Yes you can run iOS 7 on latest iPod touch. The first question is difficult to answer since you haven't used either of the platforms.
Also going by your choices in android, i believe you are looking for a phone which has good looks as well.
Appstore i personally believe has better quality apps but then people using android will say other wise. The fact is that the usual apps are all on par on both platforms so you can choose any.
Do not expect that you will jailbreak iOS 7 in near future. It may or may not come and never expect any ETA. So never rely your decision on jailbreak.
The iPod can be used but then if you have lots of apps which require internet and you are on the go then it will feel crippled. iPod won't have any 3G etc but only wifi.
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^^ - Thanks , will use it for future threads .
@-raksrules - Yes, exactly . I prefer good looks/feel compared to slight increase in speed/camera's megapixels.
I'm not going to jailbreak an apple product anytime. I understand apple has these restrictions for security , just that don't know what the restrictions are.
90% of the time I'm going to be using in my home/friend's home which has wifi..
I don't think it's a smart decision to pay 45k+ for 5s when I'm not going to use the phone/maps function much and I'm never going to play high end games at all . Maybe some flash games if I'm bored to death.
So considering my usage for apps/siri alone, paying <20k for ipod touch would be wiser no ??
For a phone I'd buy a nexus 4 if I can get it (google now > Siri) or HTC One Mini , when I really need a smart phone.
What do you think??
Since you have never used iPhone etc, i suggest you buy an iPod touch for now and see how it pans out. If you feel comfortable and all, buy an iPhone later. Spend less now and get hang of the OS.
Few restrictions vis-a-vis android are (before jailbreak)..

No bluetooth file transfer
No file manager
cannot copy paste music or anything, have to use iTunes only
no expansion slot and cannot use the memory as general storage (there is a way though, without jailbreak)
No widgets and all like android has
Cannot select default app for links etc, like a web link will open only in safari and not in anything else.

There may be many more

But i am aware about all this and still go with them because it suits my needs.
All I want to know is whether I can listen to music , watch videos , read pdf books & magazines , that I download through t0rrents or file sharing sites. Or do I have to buy everything from appstore?
I'll be buying apps though. Just not music /books/videos (never !!) :D

Also , will using ios7 in itouch be slow /laggy?
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All I want to know is whether I can listen to music , watch videos , read pdf books & magazines , that I download through t0rrents or file sharing sites. Or do I have to buy everything from appstore?
I'll be buying apps though. Just not music /books/videos (never !!) :D

Also , will using ios7 in itouch be slow /laggy?

Music - Check
Videos - Check (need 3rd party player to play avi, mkv etc).
PDF books - Are you expecting yourself to read them on the tiny screen. If you are going to do this often, buy a big screen android. Else in iPod you will have iBooks and other 3rd party softwares to read them.
Thanks for helping man :) .. I'll be using it for only apps (health /productivity apps) 90% of the time. To schedule & do things which I can't do it in my basic phone. Looks like nexus 5 is going to be 5-inches. So going to buy the itouch 32GB next month or so.
I saw it for ~18k few months back on ebay , but now it looks like I can't get one for <20K.