User Guides Best Way to Debloat Android (no PC or root required + GUI based)

A quick intro: debloating, privacy and performance go hand in hand. I highly recommend anyone who bought a new phone to debloat it, since pre-installed apps and services can take a very heavy toll on your phone's performance. Most of them are filled with trackers as well, so they constantly feed your data to whatever parent company that owns it. The following guide will help you regain most of the control over your phone.

THIS GUIDE WORKS ONLY ON PHONES WHICH ARE ON ANDROID 10+. This actually means most phones after 2020, so its fine for the majority of the users. For anything below, use UAD.

Make sure to uninstall as much as you can using the normal way (long press app icon --> click uninstall) before following this guide.

I used Shizuku (partial root access enabler) in this. Do not worry about stuff like Play Services or Integrity failing on you, Shizuku does not meddle with su requests. Everything is explained in layman terms and the recommended apps to uninstall are included as pdfs in the following links.

Setup + apps :

Follow the setup guide first.

I have included the steps to setup shizuku in the pdf. For a video tutorial, follow this link.

Also feel free to point out any typos or mistakes here, I wrote this all in one sitting so my brain is a bit fried:p
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@mods is OP's account hacked? The PDF links are malware:


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What?! I used the download link provided by the captcha and it worked fine for me. My apologies it was stupid of me to trust this
proper one uploaded using mega now. it should work fine
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1) This isn't a guide. This is a link to a guide. At the very least you could have copy-pasted the content here

2) In this ever evolving digital age, no one shares a PDF guide. A live page is much better

The funny thing is, in the first screenshot both links take to a malware
@mods is OP's account hacked? The PDF links are malware:
View attachment 200707

View attachment 200709

View attachment 200708
Worked fine for me. Probably I got served a cleaned up page by my Router.
Most of the unknown downloader sites do front the first download attempts as adware / malware. The subsequent downloads work fine.
To OP, nice writeup. I prefer to disable the app instead of uninstall just in case of unknown dependencies which breaks something else.
Also both the softwares used to debloat are open source, so direct GitHub or F-Droid links would be better.
Hey OP loved your guide but would love it if you published the source (preferably github) where we can get the files directly from. No shade on you but it's hard to trust Random links specially for software

Nvm, just saw the video link